Subject: | Can't use the "call a sub" pattern with SimpleTaglib |
Hi all! I'm working on porting TABOO to AxKit 1.7. I'm running the trunk, which hasn't changed since release, with Jörg's patches:
The rest of environment is an Ubuntu Breezy system, v5.8.7 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi, Linux owl 2.6.12-9-386 #1 Mon Oct 10 13:14:36 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
I'm trying to write a taglib to exploit the neat new way of calling tag subs in 1.7, namely where subs themselves are called from the script. I've failed to do that. Now, I've thrown out everything TABOO, and made an example as minimal as possible.
This is how it looks, first the Perl module:
package AxKit::XSP::Test;
use Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::SimpleTaglib;
$NS = '';
sub taggity : XSP_attribOrChild(param) XSP_node(result) {
my ($tag, $attr) = @_;
return $attr->{param};
Then, the XSP:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="NULL" type="application/x-xsp"?>
<test:taggity param="dahut"/>
And finally, the config:
PerlModule AxKit
SetHandler AxKit
AxAddStyleMap application/x-xsp Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP
# Turn cache off during development
AxNoCache On
MaxRequestsPerChild 1
AxDebugLevel 10
AxDebugTidy On
AxTraceIntermediate /tmp/intermediate
AxAddXSPTaglib AxKit::XSP::Test
And this is the error I'm getting:
[Wed Dec 28 20:00:36 2005] [warn] [client] [AxKit] Caught an exception
[Wed Dec 28 20:00:36 2005] [error] [client] [AxKit] [Error] Compilation failed: syntax error at (eval 21) line 46, near "}\n )"\nsyntax error at (eval 21) line 48, at EOF\nsyntax error at (eval 21) line 53, near "} ## end do\n Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::cache_key"\nMissing right curly or square bracket at (eval 21) line 55, at end of line\n
Here's the perltidy-ied XSP script:
2 package Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::ROOT::var::www::test_2exsp;
3 use Apache;
4 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
5 use XML::LibXML;
6 Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::Page->import(
7 qw(__mk_text_node __mk_comment_node __mk_ns_element_node __mk_element_node)
8 );
9 use utf8; #initialize xsp namespace
11 #initialize xsp namespace
13 @Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::ROOT::var::www::test_2exsp::ISA =
14 ('Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::Page');
16 sub xml_generator {
17 my $class = shift;
18 my ($r, $cgi, $document, $parent) = @_;
20 $parent = __mk_element_node($document, $parent, q|html|);
21 do {
22 {
23 my $elem =
24 $document->createElementNS(
25 q%,
26 q%test:result%);
27 $parent->appendChild($elem);
28 $parent = $elem;
29 }
30 __mk_text_node(
31 $document,
32 $parent,
33 "" . do {
34 {
35 my @AxKit__XSP__Test_stack = ({});
36 my $AxKit__XSP__Test_stack = $AxKit__XSP__Test_stack[0];
37 my ($attr_param);
38 $attr_param = q%dahut%;
39 my $_resfunc = sub {
40 AxKit::XSP::Test::taggity(q%taggity%,
41 { q%param% => $attr_param },
42 $AxKit__XSP__Test_stack, undef);
43 };
44 join("", $_resfunc->());
45 }
46 ); # non xsp tag
47 $parent = $parent->getParentNode;
48 };
49 $parent = $parent->getParentNode;
51 return OK;
52 } ## end do
53 Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP::cache_key(q|/var/www/test.xsp|, 1135796276);
I guess it should be quite clear what's wrong, that a couple of curly braces are not closed. But why escapes me entirely... The comments like
## end do are inserted by perltidy, BTW.
It seems like runs the cache_key on line 146, but I shall not speculate who should be closing these curlies.
The principle here, I find really nice, so it would be really great to get it working.