Subject: | test fail with "Directory '../../lib/auto/Jifty', does not exist" |
I was doing a cpan install, and many of my tests fail with a missing directory. From my cpan's build directory:
[seph@seph Jifty-0.51225]$ make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /mnt/local/home/seph/jifty/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/*/t/*.t
all skipped: Test::Pod::Coverage 1.00 required for testing POD coverage
all skipped: Test::Pod 1.00 required for testing POD
t/Continuations/t/00-prototype....Directory '../../lib/auto/Jifty', does not exist at ../../lib/Jifty/ line 57
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/Continuations/t/00-prototype.t line 14, <DATA> line 16.
FAILED before any test output arrived
t/Continuations/t/01-raw-api......Directory '../../lib/auto/Jifty', does not exist at ../../lib/Jifty/ line 57
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/Continuations/t/01-raw-api.t line 14, <DATA> line 16.
FAILED before any test output arrived
t/Continuations/t/02-api..........Directory '../../lib/auto/Jifty', does not exist at ../../lib/Jifty/ line 57
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/Continuations/t/02-api.t line 14, <DATA> line 16.
FAILED before any test output arrived
and so on. I'm not really sure where lib/auto/Jifty should be coming from. The only place I can find one, is blib/lib/auto/Jifty, and if I "ln -s ../blib/lib/auto/ lib" then the tests do pass okay, though I'm sure that's the wrong fix.