Le Wed, 16 Oct 2002 05:10:06 -0400 (EDT)
"Guest via RT" <bug-Parse-Yapp@rt.cpan.org> a ecrit:
Show quoted text>
> This message about Parse-Yapp was sent to you by guest via rt.cpan.org
> Full context and any attached attachments can be found at:
> <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=1675 >
> Given the command
> yapp -vs -m JavaScript::Grammar lib/JavaScript/Grammar.yp
> yapp placed the creates two files:
> ./lib/JavaScript/Grammar.output
> ./Grammar.pm
> Probably both files should be placed in the same directory, and ideally both in lib/JavaScript/
In your case, probably: that's what the '-o' option is there for...
This behaviour has already been discussed (I don't remember where
and when) and I decided to keep it as a feature and it is
documented as is (from yapp frontend pod):
-o outfile
The compiled output file will be named outfile for
your parser module. It defaults to grammar.pm or, if
you specified the option -m A::Module::Name (see
below), to Name.pm.
Maybe I should add at the end of the sentence "... in the current
working directory" to make this clearer, but it's definitively NOT
a bug.
BTW, the yapp script is *only* a proposed front-end to be able to
uses the Parse::Yapp modules to generate parsers easely: it's up
to you to write another one that better meets your needs.
François Désarménien
Parse-Yapp author (FDESAR on CPAN)