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This queue is for tickets about the XML-RSS-LibXML CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 16748
Status: open
Priority: 0/

Owner: dmaki [...]
Requestors: aar [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: 0.14
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Support of RSS 0.91
XML::RSS::LibXML can't parse a document starting with <rss version="0.91">. It seems that a fallback logic was initially planned, as there are some things like this in the code: my $root_xpath = $ChannelRoot{$version} || $ChannelRoot{other}; but $ChannelRoot{other} wasn't defined. I defined those 'other' values and I added 0.91 to %VersionPrefix. I'm attaching the whole because it now contains also the fix for multiple categories that I reported before. You can review the file and if you want you can just replace it as it is. Regards, Alessandro Ranellucci
# $Id: 20 2005-10-18 09:41:09Z daisuke $ # # Copyright (c) 2005 Daisuke Maki <> # All rights reserved. package XML::RSS::LibXML::Parser; use strict; my %VersionPrefix = ( '2.0' => 'rss20', '1.0' => 'rss10', '0.9' => 'rss09', '0.91' => 'rss09' ); sub new { bless {}, shift } sub _create_parser { my $self = shift; if (! $self->{_parser}) { my $p = XML::LibXML->new; $p->recover(1); $self->{_parser} = $p; } return $self->{_parser}; } sub parse { my $self = shift; my $rss = shift; my $string = shift; my $p = $self->_create_parser(); my $dom = $p->parse_string($string); $self->_parse_dom($rss, $dom); } sub parsefile { my $self = shift; my $rss = shift; my $file = shift; my $p = $self->_create_parser(); my $dom = $p->parse_file($file); $self->_parse_dom($rss, $dom); } sub _create_context { my $self = shift; my $xc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new(); while (my($prefix, $namespace) = each %{$self->{_namespaces}}) { $xc->registerNs($prefix, $namespace); } return $xc; } my %Root = ( '1.0' => '/rdf:RDF', '0.9' => '/rdf:RDF', '2.0' => '/rss', 'other' => '/rss' ); sub _parse_dom { my $self = shift; my $rss = shift; my $dom = shift; my $root = $dom->getDocumentElement(); $self->{_namespaces} = { %{$rss->{_namespaces}}, map { ($_->getPrefix() => $_->getNamespaceURI()) } grep { $_->getPrefix() } $root->getNamespaces }; $self->{_context} = $self->_create_context; my $version = $self->_guess_version($dom); $rss->{encoding} = $dom->encoding(); $rss->{_internal}->{version} = $version; $rss->{output} = $version; $rss->{channel} = $self->_parse_channel($version, $dom); $rss->{items} = $self->_parse_items($version, $dom); my $root_xpath = $Root{$version} || $Root{other}; foreach my $node ($self->{_context}->findnodes($root_xpath . '/*[name() != "channel" and name() != "item"]', $dom)) { my $h = $self->_parse_children($version, $node); if (my $prefix = $node->getPrefix()) { $rss->{$prefix}{$node->localname} = $h; } else { $rss->{$node->localname} = $h; } } if ($version eq '2.0') { $rss->{image} = $rss->{channel}{image} if exists $rss->{channel} && exists $rss->{channel}{image}; $rss->{textinput} = $rss->{channel}{textInput} if exists $rss->{channel}{textInput}; } $rss->{_namespaces} = $self->{_namespaces}; delete $self->{_context}; delete $self->{_namespaces}; } sub _guess_version { my $self = shift; my $dom = shift; my $xc = $self->{_context}; # Test starting from the most likely candidate if ($xc->findnodes('/rdf:RDF', $dom)) { # 1.0 or 0.9 if ($xc->findnodes('/rdf:RDF/rss10:channel', $dom)) { return '1.0'; } else { return '0.9'; } } elsif ($xc->findnodes('/rss', $dom)) { # 0.91 or 2.0 -ish return $xc->findvalue('/rss/@version', $dom); } return 'UNKNOWN'; } my %ChannelRoot = ( '1.0' => '/rdf:RDF/rss10:channel', '0.9' => '/rdf:RDF/rss09:channel', '2.0' => '/rss/channel', 'other' => '/rss/channel' ); sub _parse_channel { my $self = shift; my $version = shift; my $dom = shift; my $xc = $self->{_context}; my $root_xpath = $ChannelRoot{$version} || $ChannelRoot{other}; my $h; if( my ($channel) = $xc->findnodes($root_xpath, $dom)) { $h = $self->_parse_children($version, $channel); delete $h->{item}; delete $h->{taxo}; $self->_parse_taxo($h, $channel); } return $h; } sub _parse_taxo { my $self = shift; my $h = shift; my $xml = shift; my $xc = $self->{_context}; my @nodes = $xc->findnodes('taxo:topics/rdf:Bag/rdf:li', $xml); return if !@nodes; $h->{taxo} ||= []; foreach my $p (@nodes) { push @{$h->{taxo}}, $p->findvalue('@resource'); } $h->{$self->{_namespaces}{taxo}} = $h->{taxo}; } my %ItemRoot = ( '1.0' => '/rdf:RDF/rss10:item', '0.9' => '/rdf:RDF/rss09:item', '2.0' => '/rss/channel/item', 'other' => '/rss/channel/item' ); sub _parse_items { my $self = shift; my $version = shift; my $dom = shift; my @items; my $xc = $self->{_context}; my $root_xpath = $ItemRoot{$version} || $ItemRoot{other}; # grab everything by namespace foreach my $item ($xc->findnodes($root_xpath, $dom)) { my $i = $self->_parse_children($version, $item); delete $i->{taxo}; $self->_parse_taxo($i, $item); push @items, $i; } return \@items; } sub _parse_children { my $self = shift; my $version = shift; my $root = shift; my $root_xpath = $ItemRoot{$version} || $ItemRoot{other}; my $xc = $self->{_context}; my $vprefix = $VersionPrefix{$version}; my %item; foreach my $prefix (keys %{$self->{_namespaces}}) { next if $prefix =~ /^rss/ && $prefix ne $vprefix; my %sub; # this separates native rss elements with those elements that # are explicitly tagged with a prefix. my $xpath = $prefix eq $vprefix ? "./*[not(contains(name(), ':'))]" : "./*[starts-with(name(), '$prefix:')]"; # now, for each node that we can cover, go and parse foreach my $node ($xc->findnodes($xpath, $root)) { my $val; if ($xc->findnodes('./*', $node)) { # print STDERR "Parsing ", $node->getName(), " (recurse)\n"; $val = $self->_parse_children($version, $node); } else { # print STDERR "Parsing ", $node->getName(), "\n"; my $text = $node->textContent(); if ($text !~ /\S/) { $text = ''; } # argh. it has attributes. we do our little hack... if ($node->hasAttributes) { $val = XML::RSS::LibXML::MagicElement->new( content => $text, attributes => [ $node->attributes ] ); } else { $val = $text; } } # multiple values for the same key will # be stored as an arrayref instead of a scalar if (!defined $sub{$node->localname}) { $sub{$node->localname} = $val; } elsif (ref $sub{$node->localname} eq 'ARRAY') { push @{ $sub{$node->localname} }, $val; } else { $sub{$node->localname} = [ $sub{$node->localname}, $val ]; } } if (keys %sub) { # If this is a native RSS element, we just need to assign to # the %item. otherwise, we need to add it to $prefix and # $namespace if ($vprefix eq $prefix) { while (my ($key, $value) = each %sub) { $item{$key} = $value; } } else { $item{$prefix} = \%sub; $item{$self->{_namespaces}->{$prefix}} = \%sub; } } } return \%item; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME XML::RSS::LibXML::Parser - RSS Parser for XML::RSS::LibXML =head1 SYNOPSIS use XML::RSS::LibXML; use XML::RSS::LibXML::Parser; my $rss = XML::RSS::LibXML->new; my $p = XML::RSS::LiBXML::Parser->new; $p->parsefile($rss, $file); $p->parse($rss, $string); =head1 DESCRIPTION XML::RSS::LibXML::Parser parses RSS files and appropriately populates the data structures in XML::RSS::LibXML =head1 METHODS =head2 new Create a new parser. =head2 parsefile($rss, $file) Parses an RSS file $file and populate $rss with its data. =head2 parse($rss, $string) Parses an RSS string and populate $rss with its data. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (c) 2005 Daisuke Maki E<lt>dmaki@cpan.orgE<gt>. Development partially funded by Brazil, Ltd. E<lt>http://b.razil.jpE<gt> =cut
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> I'm attaching the whole > because it now contains also the fix for multiple > categories that I reported before. You can review the file and if > you want you can just replace it as it is.
Cool! I'll take a look within the next day or so. Thanks