I disagree that clear_isa_scan() should be documented (at least as it is). It is a typical internal
function which is tied to the current implementation of Locale::Maketext. Notice that when you
call it, what you get is to make Locale::Maketext to recalculate lexicon inheritance (as Dan Muey
said first - in the docs inside the attached tarball at
http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=47045). This can be useful during testing but it
is not directly connected to refreshing the lexicon's content, as your comment "when you need
to re-import you po-files" seems to imply. The behavior you see can be due to the module you
use under Locale::Maketext - maybe Locale::Maketext::Gettext of
Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Gettext. If the lexicons are Perl hashes as in the original framework
of Sean Burke's code, its modifications will be kept and you will see them after the lexicons are
recomputed. So clear_isa_scan() is not that useful and a real framework to force
refreshing/reloading lexicons still needs to be designed (either by code or convention).