[ADAMK - Sat Nov 19 23:49:37 2005]:
Show quoted text> Needless to say, having every single trait consuming a top level
> namespace is probably a bad thing...
> Why aren't they Class::Trait::TSomething, like their actual location
> in lib, and then you can use them in the shorthand form if you want?
There are a couple of points to consider here:
1. Only the built-in traits of TEquality, TComparable and TPrintable
consume a top-level namespace.
2. The are not loaded unless requested.
3. I'm trying to maintain backwards compatability.
It's item #3 which causes a problem with trying to change this. If I
use your method of dealing with this, then this breaks:
if ($some_class->does('TPrintable')) { ... }
While I don't know how likely this is to impact someone, I think the
odds of anyone accidentlly using 'TPrintable' as a class name are
vanishingly small (probably smaller than the odds of me breaking
someone's code if I change things).
If you can convince me of a good reason to change things, I probably
will. Until then, I think I'll leave things as-is.