We have removed the CVS directories in 1.01. That was a slip, normally
we do not include those in the distributions.
The "warning" messages displayed after installation are due to a fairly
large number of user questions about the installation proceess - we
have quite a few users who are neither system administrators nor
regular perl users (yet?) and there seemed to be a lot of confusion
about how to do a local install. Those questions have abated somewhat
since including those warnings, so I guess for now I'd like to keep
them around.
On Fri Jun 23 04:10:51 2006, guest wrote:
Show quoted text> Le Ven. Jun. 23 01:13:23 2006, guest a écrit :
> > Thank you for reporting this problem. It has been resolved in
Show quoted text> > 0.99, where we allow Makefile.PL to install the documentation in
Show quoted text> > default locations.
> Indeed.
> Two additional cosmetics remarks:
> - you're still duplicating a lot of standard installation procedures
> about PREFIX and other class MakeMaker options. And your warning
Show quoted text> installation are a bit overzealous: unless you used PREFIX,
Show quoted text> is supposed to be in your PATH already, and INSTALLSITELIB in @INC
Show quoted text> need to set PERL5LIB). The added value of such explanations, related
Show quoted text> the added complexity to display them in your Makefile.PL, and
> duplication with INSTALL file, is discussable IMHO.
> - there is a lot of CVS directories still present in the archive,
Show quoted text> ought to be removed at distribution time.