Subject: | Broken install: installdir fixed |
Why does the distribution want to be installed to /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7 ?
My CPAN diretory is in my home directory, not in /usr/local.
I have no problem with install of other modules.
Here is the output from my attempted install with CPAN:
Running make for A/AD/ADAMK/Test-SubCalls-0.02.tar.gz
Is already unwrapped into directory /home/dolmen/.cpan/build/Test-SubCalls-0.02 Going to build A/AD/ADAMK/Test-SubCalls-0.02.tar.gz
/usr/bin/perl -Iinc Makefile.PL --config= --installdeps=Test::Builder::Tester,1.02,Test::More,0.60,Hook::LexWrap,0.20
*** Installing dependencies...
*** You are not allowed to write to the directory '/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7';
the installation may fail due to insufficient permissions.
==> Should we try to re-execute the autoinstall process with 'sudo'? [y]