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This queue is for tickets about the Finance-Bank-Natwest CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 15005
Status: open
Priority: 0/
Queue: Finance-Bank-Natwest

Owner: knew [...]
Requestors: noodles [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Important
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Doesn't work with new Natwest/RBoS system
Natwest/RBoS appear to have upgraded their online banking system this month, breaking login to the site. I had a look for a newer release but didn't see anything - if I find time I'll try to come up with a patch that fixes this.
From: Gavin Henry
[guest - Tue Oct 11 06:34:31 2005]: Show quoted text
> Natwest/RBoS appear to have upgraded their online banking system this > month, breaking login to the site. I had a look for a newer release > but didn't see anything - if I find time I'll try to come up with a > patch that fixes this.
Just noticed that today too. I'll try to do a patch also, if time permits. Gavin. -- Walking the road to enlightenment... I found a penguin and a camel on the way..... Fancy a Just ask!!!
On Sun Oct 23 09:23:47 2005, guest wrote: Show quoted text
> [guest - Tue Oct 11 06:34:31 2005]: >
> > Natwest/RBoS appear to have upgraded their online banking system
this Show quoted text
> > month, breaking login to the site. I had a look for a newer
release Show quoted text
> > but didn't see anything - if I find time I'll try to come up
with a Show quoted text
> > patch that fixes this.
> > Just noticed that today too. I'll try to do a patch also, if time
permits. Show quoted text
> > Gavin. >
Sorry i've been so lax over this. Finally put aside some time over the weekend to work on it, and have some code that appears to work. However, i still need to integerate it into the module; hopefully i'll manage to do so at some point this week. In the meantime, i've attached the script that i built up as i worked through figuring out the new system. It requires WWW::Mechanize and HTML::TreeBuilder in order to run, and should output the basic account information together with mini-statement entries. There are four variables near the top, $my_*, that need to be set with the appropriate information. Could you possibly run it when you get a chance and report back on success/failure? -- Jody Belka knew (at) pimb (dot) org
#!/usr/bin/perl -w package NWOLB::Cookies; use warnings; use strict; use vars qw/@ISA/; BEGIN { require HTTP::Cookies; push @ISA, 'HTTP::Cookies'; } # Natwest uses 01-Jan-1900 instead of 01-Jan-1970 to delete a cookie. # Unfortunately, Time::Local, the underlying date/time library used # to process the expires string, typically can't cope properly with # that date, and complains about it to us. sub extract_cookies { my $self = shift; my $response = shift || return; my @ns_set = $response->header("Set-Cookie"); s/(;?\s+expires)=Mon, 01-Jan-1900/$1=Thu, 01-Jan-1970/ for @ns_set; $response->header("Set-Cookie", \@ns_set); return $self->SUPER::extract_cookies($response); } package main; use warnings; use strict; #use LWP::Debug qw(+); use Data::Dumper; use WWW::Mechanize; use HTML::TreeBuilder; my $my_dob = '010170'; my $my_uid = '0001'; my $my_pin = '1234'; my $my_pass = 'Password'; use constant POSS_PIN => { first => 0, second => 1, third => 2, fourth => 3 }; use constant POSS_PASS => { first => 0, second => 1, third => 2, fourth => 3, fifth => 4, sixth => 5, seventh => 6, eighth => 7, ninth => 8, tenth => 9, eleventh => 10, twelfth => 11, thirteenth => 12, fourteenth => 13, fifteenth => 14, sixteenth => 15, seventeenth => 16, eighteenth => 17, nineteenth => 18, twentieth => 19 }; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( keep_alive => 1, timeout => 30, cookie_jar => NWOLB::Cookies->new(), requests_redirectable => [ 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST' ], agent => "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" ); print "* Starting login process...\n"; $mech->get(''); if ($mech->res->decoded_content !~ /top\.window\.document\.location\.href\s+=\s+'([^']+)'/) { die "Can't find the redirect[1]\n"; } my $url = $1; print "* Following internal hateful javascript redirect...\n"; $mech->get($url); print "* Following frame login link...\n"; $mech->follow_link(tag => "frame"); print "* Checking we're on step 1 as expected...\n"; my $content = $mech->res->decoded_content; if ($content =~ /We're \s+ sorry \s+ but \s+ the \s+ service \s+ is \s+ temporarily \s+ unavailable/ix) { die "Service temporarily unavailable.\n"; } if ($content !~ /Log \s+ In \s+ - \s+ Step \s+ 1/ix) { die "Page doesn't look like expected, sorry.\n"; } print "* Submitting customer number...\n"; $mech->submit_form(fields => { DBID_edit => $my_dob.$my_uid }); print "* Deciphering pin/pass request...\n"; my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($mech->res->decoded_content)->elementify; my @questions = $root->look_down( _tag => 'label', id => qr/^LI6DDAL[A-F]Label$/ ); my %pin_req = (); my %pass_req = (); for (@questions) { my $question = lc(($_->content_list)[0]); if ($question =~ /^enter \s+ the \s+ ([^\s]+) \s+ (?:digit|character) \s+ from \s+ your \s+ (pin|password)/gcx) { my ($req, $req_type) = ($1, $2); if ($req_type =~ /pin/) { die "Unrecognized pin request: $req\n" unless exists POSS_PIN->{$req}; $pin_req{$_->attr('for')} = POSS_PIN->{$req}; } else { die "Unrecognized password request: $req\n" unless exists POSS_PASS->{$req}; $pass_req{$_->attr('for')} = POSS_PASS->{$req}; } } else { die "Unrecognized question: $question\n"; } } $root->delete; for (keys %pin_req) { $pin_req{$_} = substr $my_pin, $pin_req{$_}, 1; } for (keys %pass_req) { $pass_req{$_} = substr $my_pass, $pass_req{$_}, 1; } print "* Submitting requested pin/pass details...\n"; $mech->submit_form(fields => { %pin_req, %pass_req }); print "* Checking we're not back at step 1, which indicates incorrect details...\n"; if ($content =~ /Log \s+ In \s+ - \s+ Step \s+ 1/ix) { die "Incorrect customer details.\n"; } print "* Looking for last login message...\n"; $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($mech->res->decoded_content)->elementify; my @last = $root->look_down( _tag => 'td', class => 'wizardLabel' ); for my $last (@last) { if ($last->as_text =~ /Date of last log in:/i) { my $date = $last->right; if(defined $date) { $date = $date->as_trimmed_text; print "Last logged in at: $date\n"; last; } } } $root->delete; print "* Following through out of the login system...\n"; $url = $mech->uri; for (1..3) { $mech->submit; last if $mech->uri ne $url; } die "Not left login after three attempts\n" if $mech->uri eq $url; die "Not where expected to be\n" if $mech->uri ne ''; print "* Looking for account data...\n"; $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($mech->res->decoded_content)->elementify; my $accounts = $root->look_down( _tag => 'table', id => 'Accounts' ); die "Couldn't find the account data\n" unless defined $accounts; my @accounts = $accounts->look_down( _tag => 'tr', class => qr/^dt(?:o|em)?$/ ); die "Couldn't find the account data\n" unless @accounts; for my $account (@accounts) { my @details = $account->look_down( _tag => 'td' ); die "Account details don't look like expected\n" unless @details == 5; my $url = $mech->uri; my $href = $details[0]->look_down( _tag => 'a'); if (defined $href) { $href = $href->attr('href'); $href =~ s|^/||; $url = "$href"; } $account = { map { (qw(name number sortcode balance available))[$_] => $details[$_]->as_trimmed_text } 0..4 }; $account->{number} =~ s/\s//g; $account->{sortcode} =~ s/\s//g; for (qw(balance available)) { $account->{$_} =~ s/\xa3//; $account->{$_} =~ s/,//g; } $account->{ministmt_url} = $url; } $root->delete; for (@accounts) { print "* Getting mini-stmt for account: $_->{name}\n"; $mech->get($_->{ministmt_url}) unless $mech->uri eq $_->{ministmt_url}; $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($mech->res->decoded_content)->elementify; my $ministmt = $root->look_down( _tag => 'table', id => 'MiniStatementNAP' ); die "Couldn't find the mini-statement data\n" unless defined $ministmt; my @transactions = $ministmt->look_down( _tag => 'tr', class => qr/^dt(?:o|hi)?$/ ); die "Couldn't find the mini-statement data rows\n" unless @transactions; my @trans; for my $transaction (@transactions) { my @details = $transaction->look_down( _tag => 'td' ); die "Transaction details don't look like expected\n" unless @details == 4; my $provisional = $transaction->attr('class') =~ /^dthi$/i; $transaction = { map { (qw(date description in out))[$_] => $details[$_]->as_trimmed_text } 0..3 }; for (qw(in out)) { $transaction->{$_} =~ s/\xa3//; $transaction->{$_} =~ s/,//g; $transaction->{$_} = undef if $transaction->{$_} eq '-'; } $transaction->{provisional} = $provisional; push @trans, $transaction; } $_->{ministmt} = \@trans; } print "Your details...\n\n"; for my $account (@accounts) { print "Account name: $account->{name}\n"; print " Account number: $account->{number}\n"; print " Sort code: $account->{sortcode}\n"; print " Balance: $account->{balance}\n"; print " Available: $account->{available}\n"; print "\n"; for my $transaction (@{$account->{ministmt}}) { if ($transaction->{date} =~ /^\d\s/) { print " Date: $transaction->{date}"; } else { print " Date: $transaction->{date}"; } printf " In: %8.2f", $transaction->{in} if defined $transaction->{in}; printf " Out: %8.2f", $transaction->{out} if defined $transaction->{out}; print " Desc: $transaction->{description}"; print " [PROVISIONAL]" if $transaction->{provisional}; print "\n"; } print "\n\n"; } print "Successfully got to the end, yay. Please check the above output for errors and report back, thanks.\n"; #print Dumper $mech->content;
Whoops, messed up a minor change i made before uploading the script, and didn't test properly. Fixed and here it is again. -- Jody Belka knew (at) pimb (dot) org
#!/usr/bin/perl -w package NWOLB::Cookies; use warnings; use strict; use vars qw/@ISA/; BEGIN { require HTTP::Cookies; push @ISA, 'HTTP::Cookies'; } # Natwest uses 01-Jan-1900 instead of 01-Jan-1970 to delete a cookie. # Unfortunately, Time::Local, the underlying date/time library used # to process the expires string, typically can't cope properly with # that date, and complains about it to us. sub extract_cookies { my $self = shift; my $response = shift || return; my @ns_set = $response->header("Set-Cookie"); s/(;?\s+expires)=Mon, 01-Jan-1900/$1=Thu, 01-Jan-1970/ for @ns_set; $response->header("Set-Cookie", \@ns_set); return $self->SUPER::extract_cookies($response); } package main; use warnings; use strict; #use LWP::Debug qw(+); use Data::Dumper; use WWW::Mechanize; use HTML::TreeBuilder; my $my_dob = '010170'; my $my_uid = '0001'; my $my_pin = '1234'; my $my_pass = 'Password'; use constant POSS_PIN => { first => 0, second => 1, third => 2, fourth => 3 }; use constant POSS_PASS => { first => 0, second => 1, third => 2, fourth => 3, fifth => 4, sixth => 5, seventh => 6, eighth => 7, ninth => 8, tenth => 9, eleventh => 10, twelfth => 11, thirteenth => 12, fourteenth => 13, fifteenth => 14, sixteenth => 15, seventeenth => 16, eighteenth => 17, nineteenth => 18, twentieth => 19 }; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( keep_alive => 1, timeout => 30, cookie_jar => NWOLB::Cookies->new(), requests_redirectable => [ 'GET', 'HEAD', 'POST' ], agent => "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)" ); print "* Starting login process...\n"; $mech->get(''); print "* Following internal hateful javascript redirect...\n"; if ($mech->res->decoded_content !~ /top\.window\.document\.location\.href\s+=\s+'([^']+)'/) { die "Can't find the redirect\n"; } my $url = $1; $mech->get($url); print "* Following frame login link...\n"; $mech->follow_link(tag => "frame"); print "* Checking we're on step 1 as expected...\n"; my $content = $mech->res->decoded_content; if ($content =~ /We're \s+ sorry \s+ but \s+ the \s+ service \s+ is \s+ temporarily \s+ unavailable/ix) { die "Service temporarily unavailable.\n"; } if ($content !~ /Log \s+ In \s+ - \s+ Step \s+ 1/ix) { die "Page doesn't look like expected, sorry.\n"; } print "* Submitting customer number...\n"; $mech->submit_form(fields => { DBID_edit => $my_dob.$my_uid }); print "* Deciphering pin/pass request...\n"; my $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($mech->res->decoded_content)->elementify; my @questions = $root->look_down( _tag => 'label', id => qr/^LI6DDAL[A-F]Label$/ ); my %pin_req = (); my %pass_req = (); for (@questions) { my $question = lc(($_->content_list)[0]); if ($question =~ /^enter \s+ the \s+ ([^\s]+) \s+ (?:digit|character) \s+ from \s+ your \s+ (pin|password)/gcx) { my ($req, $req_type) = ($1, $2); if ($req_type =~ /pin/) { die "Unrecognized pin request: $req\n" unless exists POSS_PIN->{$req}; $pin_req{$_->attr('for')} = POSS_PIN->{$req}; } else { die "Unrecognized password request: $req\n" unless exists POSS_PASS->{$req}; $pass_req{$_->attr('for')} = POSS_PASS->{$req}; } } else { die "Unrecognized question: $question\n"; } } $root->delete; for (keys %pin_req) { $pin_req{$_} = substr $my_pin, $pin_req{$_}, 1; } for (keys %pass_req) { $pass_req{$_} = substr $my_pass, $pass_req{$_}, 1; } print "* Submitting requested pin/pass details...\n"; $mech->submit_form(fields => { %pin_req, %pass_req }); $content = $mech->res->content; print "* Checking we're not back at step 1, which indicates incorrect details...\n"; if ($content =~ /Log \s+ In \s+ - \s+ Step \s+ 1/ix) { die "Incorrect customer details.\n"; } print "* Looking for last login message...\n"; $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($content)->elementify; my @last = $root->look_down( _tag => 'td', class => 'wizardLabel' ); for my $last (@last) { if ($last->as_text =~ /Date of last log in:/i) { my $date = $last->right; if(defined $date) { $date = $date->as_trimmed_text; print "Last logged in at: $date\n"; last; } } } $root->delete; print "* Following through out of the login system...\n"; $url = $mech->uri; for (1..3) { $mech->submit; last if $mech->uri ne $url; } die "Not left login after three attempts\n" if $mech->uri eq $url; die "Not where expected to be\n" if $mech->uri ne ''; print "* Looking for account data...\n"; $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($mech->res->decoded_content)->elementify; my $accounts = $root->look_down( _tag => 'table', id => 'Accounts' ); die "Couldn't find the account data\n" unless defined $accounts; my @accounts = $accounts->look_down( _tag => 'tr', class => qr/^dt(?:o|em)?$/ ); die "Couldn't find the account data\n" unless @accounts; for my $account (@accounts) { my @details = $account->look_down( _tag => 'td' ); die "Account details don't look like expected\n" unless @details == 5; my $url = $mech->uri; my $href = $details[0]->look_down( _tag => 'a'); if (defined $href) { $href = $href->attr('href'); $href =~ s|^/||; $url = "$href"; } $account = { map { (qw(name number sortcode balance available))[$_] => $details[$_]->as_trimmed_text } 0..4 }; $account->{number} =~ s/\s//g; $account->{sortcode} =~ s/\s//g; for (qw(balance available)) { $account->{$_} =~ s/\xa3//; $account->{$_} =~ s/,//g; } $account->{ministmt_url} = $url; } $root->delete; for (@accounts) { print "* Getting mini-stmt for account: $_->{name}\n"; $mech->get($_->{ministmt_url}) unless $mech->uri eq $_->{ministmt_url}; $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($mech->res->decoded_content)->elementify; my $ministmt = $root->look_down( _tag => 'table', id => 'MiniStatementNAP' ); die "Couldn't find the mini-statement data\n" unless defined $ministmt; my @transactions = $ministmt->look_down( _tag => 'tr', class => qr/^dt(?:o|hi)?$/ ); die "Couldn't find the mini-statement data rows\n" unless @transactions; my @trans; for my $transaction (@transactions) { my @details = $transaction->look_down( _tag => 'td' ); die "Transaction details don't look like expected\n" unless @details == 4; my $provisional = $transaction->attr('class') =~ /^dthi$/i; $transaction = { map { (qw(date description in out))[$_] => $details[$_]->as_trimmed_text } 0..3 }; for (qw(in out)) { $transaction->{$_} =~ s/\xa3//; $transaction->{$_} =~ s/,//g; $transaction->{$_} = undef if $transaction->{$_} eq '-'; } $transaction->{provisional} = $provisional; push @trans, $transaction; } $_->{ministmt} = \@trans; } print "Your details...\n\n"; for my $account (@accounts) { print "Account name: $account->{name}\n"; print " Account number: $account->{number}\n"; print " Sort code: $account->{sortcode}\n"; print " Balance: $account->{balance}\n"; print " Available: $account->{available}\n"; print "\n"; for my $transaction (@{$account->{ministmt}}) { if ($transaction->{date} =~ /^\d\s/) { print " Date: $transaction->{date}"; } else { print " Date: $transaction->{date}"; } printf " In: %8.2f", $transaction->{in} if defined $transaction->{in}; printf " Out: %8.2f", $transaction->{out} if defined $transaction->{out}; print " Desc: $transaction->{description}"; print " [PROVISIONAL]" if $transaction->{provisional}; print "\n"; } print "\n\n"; } print "Successfully got to the end, yay. Please check the above output for errors and report back, thanks.\n"; #print Dumper $mech->content;
From: Jonathan McDowell <noodles [...]>
On Mon Jun 12 06:46:56 2006, KNEW wrote: Show quoted text
> Whoops, messed up a minor change i made before uploading the script, and > didn't test properly. Fixed and here it is again.
Rockin'. With the attached patch this works fine for the RBoS interface - slight change to the pin request and changing the hostname is all that it does. J.
--- 2006-06-12 12:54:06.000000000 +0100 +++ 2006-06-12 12:53:56.000000000 +0100 @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ ); print "* Starting login process...\n"; -$mech->get(''); +$mech->get(''); print "* Following internal hateful javascript redirect...\n"; if ($mech->res->decoded_content !~ /top\.window\.document\.location\.href\s+=\s+'([^']+)'/) { @@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ for (@questions) { my $question = lc(($_->content_list)[0]); - if ($question =~ /^enter \s+ the \s+ ([^\s]+) \s+ (?:digit|character) \s+ from \s+ your \s+ (pin|password)/gcx) { + if ($question =~ /^enter\s+the\s+([^\s]+)\s+(?:digit|character)\s+from\s+your\s+(pin|password|security)/gcx) { my ($req, $req_type) = ($1, $2); - if ($req_type =~ /pin/) { + if ($req_type =~ /pin/ or $req_type =~ /security/) { die "Unrecognized pin request: $req\n" unless exists POSS_PIN->{$req}; $pin_req{$_->attr('for')} = POSS_PIN->{$req}; } else { @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ $pass_req{$_->attr('for')} = POSS_PASS->{$req}; } } else { - die "Unrecognized question: $question\n"; + die "Unrecognized question: '$question'\n"; } } $root->delete; @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ last if $mech->uri ne $url; } die "Not left login after three attempts\n" if $mech->uri eq $url; -die "Not where expected to be\n" if $mech->uri ne ''; +die "Not where expected to be\n" if $mech->uri ne ''; print "* Looking for account data...\n"; @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ if (defined $href) { $href = $href->attr('href'); $href =~ s|^/||; - $url = "$href"; + $url = "$href"; } $account = { map { (qw(name number sortcode balance available))[$_] => $details[$_]->as_trimmed_text } 0..4 };
Cool. The hostname is abstracted out in the existing module anyway from adding the original RBoS support, so that just leaves the slight pin question difference. After i get round to doing the integration i'll do a devel release for people to have a play with and make sure everything is working ok. -- Jody Belka knew (at) pimb (dot) org