Subject: | Unsafe mbf_read() behaviour inside map{} |
mbf_read uses $_ internaly, and in doing so stomps on map{}s use of it. Adding a 'local $_;' into mbf_read() prevents this.
use TestNonOO;
my $o = new TestNonOO;
my $data = join( "\n", map{ mbf_read( $o, $_ ) }
qw{data.txt testnonoo.txt} );
Gives the error:
Modification of a read-only value attempted at .../Module/Bundled/ line 266.
See attached patch for fix and new test.
diff -rN old-module-bundled-files/lib/Module/Bundled/ new-module-bundled-files/lib/Module/Bundled/
> local $_;
diff -rN old-module-bundled-files/t/05-regressions.t new-module-bundled-files/t/05-regressions.t
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> # regression testing
> use Test::More tests => 2;
> {
> # Bug: mbf_read was found to have problems if called within a map{}
> # Problem: Use of the default variable $_ wasn't being localised
> # Fix: insert a 'local $_;' into the mbf_read sub
> use Module::Bundled::Files qw{mbf_read};
> # reuse the TestNonOO class as it has two files to include
> use lib 't';
> use TestNonOO;
> my $o = new TestNonOO;
> # attempt to load and concatenate two files together
> my $data = join( "\n", map{ mbf_read( $o, $_ ) }qw{data.txt testnonoo.txt} );
> like($data,qr/t-TestNonOO-data.txt/,'mbf_read data.txt');
> like($data,qr/t-TestNonOO-testnonoo.txt/,'mbf_read textnonoo.txt');
> }