Subject: | SSL blocking issues on Win32 |
Wrote an IRC Bot that uses SSL. That in turn comes to Poco::SSLify.
When the IRC Bot is launched I get this error:
Couldn't use an SSL socket: Unable to set blocking mode on socket: at C:/Perl/site/lib/POE/Component/ line 71, <DATA> line 164.
Note the double-space after ':'. there's no $!.
If I comment out lines 65-70 and line 92. The "Darned MSWin32 way" kicks in and SSL is enabled and a connection is established. I'm experiencing other SSL "weirdness" as well, but cannot be certain that this is the root cause or not. (SSL handhsake is sometimes rejected by the client, IRC Bot, other times handshake completes. I cannot see why...again this might be something else).
Tested code on Windows 2000 Pro/Server, WindowsXP Professional, Windows 2003
Activestate Perl 5.8.7
POE - 0.3202
POE::Component::SSLify - 0.04
Net::SSLeay - 1.21
POE::Component::IRC - 4.69