Subject: | Test t/constraint_regexp_map_profile_reuse.t fails under Test::More 0.54 |
Hey Mark,
Seems I'm on a roll today :(. Here's a problem with one of the tests using Test::More 0.54.
william@zeus:/tmp/Data-FormValidator-4.01$ perl -MTest::More -le 'print $Test::More::VERSION'
william@zeus:/tmp/Data-FormValidator-4.01$ perl t/constraint_regexp_map_profile_reuse.t
ok 1 - constraints aren't duped when profile with constraint_regexp_map is reused
not ok 2 - constraints aren't duped when profile with constraint_regexp_map is reused
# Failed test (t/constraint_regexp_map_profile_reuse.t at line 21)
# Structures begin differing at:
# $got->{test1} = 'email'
# $expected->{test1} = 'ARRAY(0x82af450)'
Operation `==': no method found,
left argument in overloaded package Data::FormValidator::Results,
right argument has no overloaded magic at /usr/share/perl/5.8/Test/ line 1164.
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 2.
# Looks like your test died just after 2.