Subject: | Wind direction error |
Hi Jeremy,
I think there is a problem with the wind direction.
I join a script where I put your code in the TEST sub.
There is 2 anothers subs that compute the wind direction.
sub Sector that return direction like N, N/NE, NE, E/NE..
sub Sector_HR that return dir in more readable form
the script call the 3 subs for each angle by step of 10 degres,
that is the metar standard, and print the result of each computation.
If you want you can patch with my subs.
I hope that will be usefull.
Thanks for this module.
Karl Y. Pradene
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2005, Karl Y. Pradene <> All rights reserved.
use strict; use warnings;
for my $foo (0..36) {
$foo *= 10;
printf "%3s %-4s .%15s. .%-15s.\n",
$foo, Sector($foo), Sector_HR($foo), TEST($foo);
sub Sector {
my $sAlpha = shift() / 10 ;
my %hSectors = ( 1=>'N', 3=>'N/NE', 5=>' NE', 7=>'E/NE',
10=>'E', 12=>'E/SE', 14=>' SE', 16=>'S/SE',
19=>'S', 21=>'S/SW', 23=>' SW', 25=>'W/SW',
28=>'W', 30=>'W/NW', 32=>' NW', 34=>'N/NW', 36=>'N');
until ( $hSectors{$sAlpha++} ) {} ;
return $hSectors{--$sAlpha};
sub Sector_HR { # Human Readable
$_ = Sector(shift());
s!N!North!g ; s!S!South!g ;
s!^E!East! ; s!E$!east! ;
s!^W!West! ; s!W$!west! ;
return $_;
sub TEST{
my $dir_deg = shift;
my $dir_eng='';
if ($dir_deg < 15) {
$dir_eng = "North";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 30) {
$dir_eng = "North/Northeast";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 60) {
$dir_eng = "Northeast";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 75) {
$dir_eng = "East/Northeast";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 105) {
$dir_eng = "East";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 120) {
$dir_eng = "East/Southeast";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 150) {
$dir_eng = "Southeast";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 165) {
$dir_eng = "South/Southeast";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 195) {
$dir_eng = "South";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 210) {
$dir_eng = "South/Southwest";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 240) {
$dir_eng = "Southwest";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 265) {
$dir_eng = "West/Southwest";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 285) {
$dir_eng = "West";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 300) {
$dir_eng = "West/Northwest";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 330) {
$dir_eng = "Northwest";
} elsif ($dir_deg < 345) {
$dir_eng = "North/Northwest";
} else {
$dir_eng = "North";
return $dir_eng;
exit 0;