Subject: | FreeBSD machine dies in IO::AIO test suite |
Hi there,
Not 100% where to start with diagnosing what's going wrong; it might
be a kernel problem, it might be a libraries problem, it might be
an IO::AIO problem. But I thought I'd start here, since it's unusual
for a usermode test suite to bring down a machine ;-)
niallm@leonidas tmp $ uname -a
FreeBSD leonidas 5.4-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p5 #1: Fri Jul 22 15:02:14 UTC 2005
niallm@leonidas:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/LEONIDAS i386
niallm@leonidas tmp $ perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.6 built for i386-freebsd-64int
(with 2 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
make Makefile.PL; make; make test
and here's where the trouble starts, because test 00 completes quickly,
but test 01 does not:
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/local/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
(wait a minute, then press control T a few times with half a minute between them)
load: 2.00 cmd: perl 63927 [runnable] 116.18u 153.24s 49% 2932k
load: 2.09 cmd: perl 63927 [runnable] 125.34u 236.69s 48% 2932k
load: 2.02 cmd: perl 63927 [runnable] 129.12u 271.19s 49% 2932k
load: 2.03 cmd: perl 63927 [runnable] 144.84u 409.81s 49% 2932k
load: 2.20 cmd: perl 63927 [runnable] 152.66u 478.59s 48% 2932k
Then the machine apparently turned itself off (?! - maybe due to
temperature related problems?).
Some further investigation:
niallm@leonidas IO-AIO-1.1 $ cd /tmp
niallm@leonidas tmp $ ktrace -p 1726
niallm@leonidas tmp $ ktrace -C
niallm@leonidas tmp $ kdump
1726 perl5.8.6 PSIG SIGSEGV SIG_DFL
1726 perl5.8.6 PSIG SIGSEGV SIG_DFL
1726 perl5.8.6 PSIG SIGSEGV SIG_DFL
1726 perl5.8.6 PSIG SIGSEGV SIG_DFL
1726 perl5.8.6 PSIG SIGSEGV SIG_DFL
1726 perl5.8.6 PSIG SIGSEGV SIG_DFL
1726 perl5.8.6 PSIG SIGSEGV SIG_DFL
1726 perl5.8.6 PSIG SIGSEGV SIG_DFL
Any ideas?
Access to the system could be arranged if necessary.