Subject: | Segfault when accessing $sth->{TYPE} |
While testing Catalyst, I got a segfault, tracking down the bug, it lead me
to Class::DBI::AsForm.
I've contacted Tony Bowden the maintener who corrected me and spoted the problem in DBD::SQLite
I don't know if it's related to bug #12347.
I've include a test case that reproduce my problem, I've tried to make it as minimalistic as possible while staying close to my configuration.
It segfaults on the to_field call...
Hope this helps.
Don't hesitate to ask any information you would need to correct it.
Thanks in advance.
My System is Gentoo Linux
Class::DBI is 0.96
Class::DBI::AsForm is 2.41
Class::DBI::SQLite is 0.09
DBI is 1.47
DBD::SQLite is 1.09
use strict;
#Initialize the database
require DBI;
unlink 'bug.db';
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=bug.db");
my $sql = join( '', (<DATA>) );
for my $statement ( split /;/, $sql ) {
$statement =~ s/\#.*$//mg; # strip # comments
$statement =~ s/auto_increment//g;
next unless $statement =~ /\S/;
eval { $dbh->do($statement) };
die "$@: $statement" if $@;
package Bug;
use base 'Class::DBI::SQLite';
use Class::DBI;
use Class::DBI::AsForm;
__PACKAGE__->set_db('Main', 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=bug.db', '', '');
package Bug::Level;
use base 'Bug';
#__PACKAGE__->columns(Primary => qw/id/);
__PACKAGE__->columns(All => qw/id label/);
package Bug::Test;
use base 'Bug';
#__PACKAGE__->columns(Primary => qw/id/);
__PACKAGE__->columns(All => qw/id title description/);
package Bug::Question;
use base 'Bug';
#__PACKAGE__->columns(Primary => qw/id/);
__PACKAGE__->columns(All => qw/id title test level description/);
__PACKAGE__->has_a(level => 'Bug::Level');
__PACKAGE__->has_a(test => 'Bug::Test');
package main;
my $level = Bug::Level->retrieve(1) or die "can't retrieve ($!)";
print $level->label;
for (Bug::Question->columns) {
print "$_ = ",Bug::Question->to_field($_)->as_XML, $/;
create table level
id integer PRIMARY KEY,
label varchar(40)
INSERT INTO level ('label') VALUES ('level1');
INSERT INTO level ('label') VALUES ('level2');
create table test
id integer PRIMARY KEY,
title varchar(40) NOT NULL,
description text
INSERT INTO test ('title','description') VALUES ('test title 1','test 1 description');
create table question
id integer primary key,
title varchar(40) NOT NULL,
test REFERENCES test,
level REFERENCES level,
description text