Subject: | Custom Field Displaying Despite Condition When Grouped |
Date: | Tue, 25 Aug 2020 16:40:31 -0500 |
To: | bug-RT-Extension-ConditionalCustomFields [...] |
From: | Nick Adams <nick [...]> |
Good day,
Thanks very much for this extension, it’s fantastic.
I have an issue and I do not see it addressed anywhere online.
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
Perl v5.16.3.
The extension was installed without issue and there are no other extensions currently configured.
The conditional display and mandatory value works great if there is no grouping in the custom fields (see screenshots), note that I am using full interface not SelfService.
However when I add custom grouping to my custom fields then the custom fields display always, although they still remain mandatory only if the condition is met.
Here is the relevant config in
'RT::Ticket' => [
'Demo Fields' => ['Category', 'TV Install Details', 'TV Issue', 'Work Complete']
Set($SelfServiceCustomFieldGroupings, 1);
I’m thinking I probably just missed something so I apologize if that’s the case, but any idea here?
Thank you very much,