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This queue is for tickets about the HTTP-Negotiate CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 13282
Status: open
Priority: 0/
Queue: HTTP-Negotiate

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: DKUBB [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: HTTP::Negotiate bug: order of variants matters
It appears that the ordering of the variants affects the outcome of the choose() command. If I simply reverse the position of the variant in the array-reference passed into choose, I can get very different results. To demonstrate this, I created a matrix of 3 variants, and submitted them to choose. This should've resulted in the same outcome each time, but it was different for several of them. I've attached a test file to show the problem better. Please note that you'll probably want to apply the patch I submitted yesterday for HTTP::Negotiate, since it fixed half of the problems this test case exposes.
#!perl use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use Test::More tests => 54; use HTTP::Negotiate qw(choose); use HTTP::Headers; use constant CANADIAN => [ 'Canadian English' => 1.0, 'text/html', undef, undef, 'en-CA', undef ]; use constant GENERIC => [ 'Generic English' => 1.0, 'text/html', undef, undef, 'en', undef ]; use constant DEFAULT => [ 'Default' => 1.0, 'text/html', undef, undef, undef, undef ]; # the ordering of the variants seems to affect the # outcome of content-negotiation tests([ CANADIAN, GENERIC, DEFAULT ], 1); tests([ CANADIAN, DEFAULT, GENERIC ], 2); tests([ GENERIC, CANADIAN, DEFAULT ], 3); tests([ GENERIC, DEFAULT, CANADIAN ], 4); tests([ DEFAULT, CANADIAN, DEFAULT ], 5); tests([ DEFAULT, DEFAULT, CANADIAN ], 6); sub tests { my($v, $set) = @_; test_language($v, 'en', GENERIC->[0], $set); test_language($v, 'en-US', GENERIC->[0], $set); test_language($v, 'en-CA', CANADIAN->[0], $set); test_language($v, 'fr', DEFAULT->[0], $set); test_language($v, 'fr, en', GENERIC->[0], $set); test_language($v, 'en-CA, en', CANADIAN->[0], $set); test_language($v, 'en, en-CA', GENERIC->[0], $set); test_language($v, 'en-CA;q=0.9, en;q=1.0', GENERIC->[0], $set); test_language($v, 'en;q=1.0, en-CA;q=0.9', GENERIC->[0], $set); return; } sub test_language { my($v, $accept_lang, $expect, $set) = @_; my $preference = choose($v, HTTP::Headers->new('Accept-Language' => $accept_lang)); is($preference, $expect, "(Set $set) Accept-Language: $accept_lang"); return; }
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