Subject: | Tikz : bug with rounded rectangle nodes |
Date: | Tue, 11 Feb 2020 09:46:24 +0100 |
To: | bug-LaTeX-TikZ [...] |
From: | Baptiste Boyer <baptisteboyer12 [...]> |
Hi ,
I would like to report some bug in TikZ when using rounded rectangle nodes.
I'm having troubles trying to modify a rounded rectangle minimum height
without affecting the node width. I know there are some stretches boolean
for trapezium or triangle to make it but I didn't find anything similar for
rounded rectangles.
Below is a simple code highlighting the problem :
\documentclass[tikz]{standalone}\usetikzlibrary{shapes.misc, positioning}
\begin{document}\begin{tikzpicture}\node [draw, rounded rectangle,
rounded rectangle right arc = concave, rounded rectangle left arc =
rounded rectangle arc length=100, minimum
height=2cm](text1){texte};\node [draw, rounded rectangle, rounded
rectangle right arc = concave, rounded rectangle left arc = concave,
rounded rectangle arc length=100, right = of
[image: Capture.PNG]
Best regards,
B. Boyer