Subject: | Problems in Net::SSH::Perl after upgrading Crypt::DH to 0.05 |
I am using Crypt::DH for Net::SSH::Perl with perl 5.8.3 in Linux 2.6.x.
After upgrading Crypt::DH from 0.03 to 0.05 Net::SSH::Perl does not work any more.
It fails with the error message:
`copy' is not a Pari function name at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Math/ line 973.
Here are the versions that I have running:
Net::SSH::Perl 1.28
Convert-PEM 0.07
Crypt::DH 0.03 (* 0.05 fails *)
Crypt::Blowfish 2.09
Crypt::DES 2.03
Crypt::DSA 0.13
Crypt-IDEA 1.02
Digest-HMAC 1.01
Digest-SHA1 2.07
Math::GMP 2.04
Math::Pari 2.010603
String::CRC32 1.3
Digest::BubbleBabble 0.01
I did an upgrade from a working configuration with Net::SSH::Perl 1.27, Convert::PEM 0.06, Crypt::DH 0.03 and Crypt::DSA 0.12 to the current versions. This led to malfunction with the error message above.
Switching back and forth the versions of the upgraded modules I was able to find the module that caused the trouble: Crypt::DH 0.05
Please help