Subject: | File numbers not closed on some operating systems |
IPC::Run is has a broken test in t/pty.t because IO::Pty objects are not closing all of their file handles when they are destroyed.
On Fedora 29 and Redhat 8, file handle 4 doesn't reliably close. I've seen it close occasionally so this failure isn't even consistent.
$>perl -MIO::Pty -MIPC::Run::Debug -wE'print __FILE__ . " " . __LINE__ . " " . IPC::Run::Debug::_map_fds() . "\n";my $h = IO::Pty->new; print __FILE__ . " " . __LINE__ . " " . IPC::Run::Debug::_map_fds() . "\n";undef $h; print __FILE__ . " " . __LINE__ . " " . IPC::Run::Debug::_map_fds() . "\n";'
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