Subject: | Class-DBI-Plugin-Type: t/1.t fails against perl-5.31.0 on FreeBSD-12 |
As stated in subject line. Excerpt from cpanm build.log:
$ dumpjson SIMON.Class-DBI-Plugin-Type-0.02.log.json
author => "SIMON",
dist => "Class-DBI-Plugin-Type",
distname => "Class-DBI-Plugin-Type-0.02",
distversion => 0.02,
grade => "FAIL",
prereqs => undef,
test_output => [
"Building and testing Class-DBI-Plugin-Type-0.02",
"cp blib/lib/Class/DBI/Plugin/",
"PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 \"/usr/home/jkeenan/var/tad/testing/perl-5.31.0/bin/perl\" \"-MExtUtils::Command::MM\" \"-MTest::Harness\" \"-e\" \"undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')\" t/*.t",
"# Failed test 'notes is text'",
"# at t/1.t line 28.",
"# undef",
"# doesn't match '(?^:text|blob)'",
"# Failed test 'tasted is a date'",
"# at t/1.t line 29.",
"# got: undef",
"# expected: 'date'",
"# Failed test 'price is decimal'",
"# at t/1.t line 30.",
"# undef",
"# doesn't match '(?^:^decimal)'",
"# Failed test 'id is integer'",
"# at t/1.t line 31.",
"# undef",
"# doesn't match '(?^:^int)'",
"# Failed test 'name is varchar'",
"# at t/1.t line 32.",
"# undef",
"# doesn't match '(?^:^varchar)'",
"# Looks like you failed 5 tests of 6.",
"t/1.t .. ",
"Dubious, test returned 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)",
"Failed 5/6 subtests ",
"Test Summary Report",
"t/1.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 6 Failed: 5)",
" Failed tests: 2-6",
" Non-zero exit status: 5",
"Files=1, Tests=6, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr 0.02 sys + 0.13 cusr 0.04 csys = 0.21 CPU)",
"Result: FAIL",
via => "App::cpanminus::reporter 0.17 (1.7044)",
Can you investigate?
Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan