Subject: | "panic: free from wrong pool, … during global destruction." on threaded Perl |
1. perl-5.30.0 brewed with -DDEBUGGING -Dusemorebits -Duseshrplib -Dusethreads -Accflags='-fPIC -DUSE_THREAD_SAFE_LOCALE'
2. run perl -mTerm::ReadLine -e'$0 = "trlg-debug"; $term = Term::ReadLine->new($0); while (defined ($_ = $term->readline("prompt>"))) {}'
3. while the prompt waits for input, resize terminal emulator window or run pkill -WINCH trlg-debug
4. ctrl+d to exit
clean exit
panic: free from wrong pool, 70d000!=590260 during global destruction.
Terminal emulator is KDE Konsole 19.04. Other system information is attached.
Subject: | trlg.txt |
Message body is not shown because it is too large.