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This queue is for tickets about the Tk-ResizeButton CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 12973
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Tk-ResizeButton

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: Olaf.Reichenbaecher [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: ->configure(-state => 'disabled') does not disable ResizeButton
I am using Tk::ResizeButton-0.01. This is the CVS header of the source file: #------------------------------------------------ # automagically updated versioning variables -- CVS modifies these! #------------------------------------------------ our $Revision = '$Revision: 1.3 $'; our $CheckinDate = '$Date: 2003/02/17 16:46:54 $'; our $CheckinUser = '$Author: xpix $'; In my application I want to disable the function of the ResizeButtons using $rz_button->configure(-state => 'disabled'). This should display the ResizeButtons with their 'disabled' color scheme and prevent all 'ButtopnPressed/Released' animations as well as the associated callbacks. While the color scheme is displayed correctly in 'disabled' state the animation and the callback are still operational. I attached a patched version of the source file where I incorporated a proposal to fix that issue. Watch out for the comments "##### patched by".
package Tk::ResizeButton; #------------------------------------------------ # automagically updated versioning variables -- CVS modifies these! #------------------------------------------------ our $Revision = '$Revision: 1.3 $'; our $CheckinDate = '$Date: 2003/02/17 16:46:54 $'; our $CheckinUser = '$Author: xpix $'; # we need to clean these up right here $Revision =~ s/^\$\S+:\s*(.*?)\s*\$$/$1/sx; $CheckinDate =~ s/^\$\S+:\s*(.*?)\s*\$$/$1/sx; $CheckinUser =~ s/^\$\S+:\s*(.*?)\s*\$$/$1/sx; #------------------------------------------------- #-- package Tk::ResizeButton --------------------- #------------------------------------------------- =head1 NAME Tk::ResizeButton - provides a resizeable button to be used in an HList column header. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Tk; use Tk::HList; use Tk::ResizeButton; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); # CREATE MY HLIST my $hlist = $mw->Scrolled('HList', -columns=>2, -header => 1 )->pack(-side => 'left', -expand => 'yes', -fill => 'both'); # CREATE COLUMN HEADER 0 my $headerstyle = $hlist->ItemStyle('window', -padx => 0, -pady => 0); my $header0 = $hlist->ResizeButton( -text => 'Test Name', -relief => 'flat', -pady => 0, -command => sub { print "Hello, world!\n";}, -widget => \$hlist, -column => 0 ); $hlist->header('create', 0, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $header0, -style=>$headerstyle ); # CREATE COLUMN HEADER 1 my $header1 = $hlist->ResizeButton( -text => 'Status', -relief => 'flat', -pady => 0, -command => sub { print "Hello, world!\n";}, -widget => \$hlist, -column => 1 ); $hlist->header('create', 1, -itemtype => 'window', -widget => $header1, -style =>$headerstyle ); =head1 DESCRIPTION The ResizeButton widget provides a resizeable button widget for use in an HList column header. When placed in the column header, the edge of the widget can be selected and dragged to a new location to change the size of the HList column. When resizing the column, a column bar will also be placed over the HList indicating the eventual size of the HList column. A command can also be bound to the button to do things like sorting the column. The widget takes all the options that Button does. In addition, the following options must be specified: =over 4 =item B<-widget> A reference to the HList widget must by provided via the -widget option. This allows the ResizeButton to update the column width after resizing. =item B<-column> The column number that this ResizeButton is associated with must also be provided to resize the appropriate column. =back =head1 AUTHOR B<Shaun Wandler> <> =head1 UPDATES Updated by Slaven Rezic and Frank Herrmann =over 4 =item position columnbar correctly and only use MoveColumnBar to move it instead of destroying it and re-creating with CreateColumnBar =item use Subwidget('scrolled') if it exists =item don't give error if -command is not specified =item don't let the user hide columns (minwidth?) =back =head1 KEYWORDS Tk::HList =cut ######################################################################### # Tk::ResizeButton # Summary: This widget creates a button for use in an HList header which # provides methods for resizing a column. This was heavily # leveraged from by Damion Wilson. # Author: Shaun Wandler # Date: $Date: 2003/02/17 16:46:54 $ # Revision: $Revision: 1.3 $ #########################################################################= ##### # # Updated by Slaven Rezic and Frank Herrmann # # XXX needs lot of work: # * position columnbar correctly and only use MoveColumnBar to move it instead # of destroying it and re-creating with CreateColumnBar # * use Subwidget('scrolled') if it exists # * don't give error if -command is not specified # * don't let the user hide columns (minwidth?) use base qw(Tk::Derived Tk::Button); Construct Tk::Widget 'ResizeButton'; sub ClassInit { my ( $class, $mw ) = @_; $class->SUPER::ClassInit($mw); $mw->bind( $class, '<ButtonRelease-1>', 'ButtonRelease' ); $mw->bind( $class, '<ButtonPress-1>', 'ButtonPress' ); $mw->bind( $class, '<Motion>', 'ButtonOver' ); return $class; } sub Populate { my ( $this, $args ) = @_; # CREATE THE RESIZE CONTROLS my $l_Widget; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < 2 ; ++$i ) { $l_Widget = $this->Component( 'Frame' => 'Trim_' . $i, -background => 'white', -relief => 'raised', -borderwidth => 2, -width => 2, )->place( '-x' => -( $i * 3 + 2 ), '-relheight' => 1.0, '-anchor' => 'ne', '-height' => -4, '-relx' => 1.0, '-y' => 2, ); } $l_Widget->bind( '<ButtonRelease-1>' => sub { $this->ButtonRelease(1); } ); $l_Widget->bind( '<ButtonPress-1>' => sub { $this->ButtonPress(1); } ); $l_Widget->bind( '<Motion>' => sub { $this->ButtonOver(1); } ); $this->SUPER::Populate($args); $this->ConfigSpecs( -widget => [ [ 'SELF', 'PASSIVE' ], 'Widget', 'Widget', undef ], -column => [ [ 'SELF', 'PASSIVE' ], 'Column', 'Column', 0 ], -minwidth => [ [ 'SELF', 'PASSIVE' ], 'minWidth', 'minWidth', 50 ], ); # Keep track of last trim widget $this->{'m_LastTrim'} = $l_Widget; } sub ButtonPress { my ( $this, $p_Trim ) = ( shift, @_ ); $this->{'m_relief'} = $this->cget( -relief ); if ( $this->ButtonEdgeSelected() || $p_Trim ) { $this->{'m_EdgeSelected'} = 1; $this->{m_X} = $this->pointerx() - $this->rootx(); CreateColumnBar($this); } else { ##### patched by Olaf Reichenbaecher, sci-worx GmbH Hannover, May, 27th 2005 ##### disable button press animation in 'disabled' state if ($this->cget('-state') ne 'disabled') { $this->configure( -relief => 'sunken' ); } $this->{m_X} = -1; } } sub ButtonRelease { my ( $this, $p_Trim ) = ( shift, @_ ); $this->{'m_EdgeSelected'} = 0; $this->configure( -relief => $this->{'m_relief'} ); if ( $this->{columnBar} ) { $this->{columnBar}->destroy; undef $this->{columnBar}; } if ( $this->{m_X} >= 0 ) { my $l_NewWidth = ( $this->pointerx() - $this->rootx() ); my $hlist = $this->cget( -widget ); my $col = $this->cget( -column ); $$hlist->columnWidth( $col, $l_NewWidth + 5 ) if (($l_NewWidth + 5) > $this->cget( -minwidth )); $this->GeometryRequest( $l_NewWidth, $this->reqheight(), ); } elsif ( !$this->ButtonEdgeSelected() ) { ##### patched by Olaf Reichenbaecher, sci-worx GmbH Hannover, May, 27th 2005 ##### disable callback in 'disabled' state if ($this->cget('-state') ne 'disabled') { $this->Callback( -command ); } $this->{m_X} = -1; } } # CHECK IF THE RESIZE CONTROL IS SELECTED sub ButtonEdgeSelected { my ($this) = @_; { return ( $this->pointerx() - $this->{m_LastTrim}->rootx() ) > -1; } } # CHANGE THE CURSOR OVER THE RESIZE CONTROL sub ButtonOver { my ( $this, $p_Trim ) = @_; my ($cursor); my $hlist = $this->cget( -widget ); if ( $this->{'m_EdgeSelected'} || $this->ButtonEdgeSelected() || $p_Trim ) { if ( $this->{columnBar} ) { $this->{columnBar}->destroy; CreateColumnBar($this); } $cursor = 'sb_h_double_arrow'; } else { $cursor = 'left_ptr'; } $this->configure( -cursor => $cursor ); } # Create a column bar which displays on top of the HList widget # to indicate the eventual size of the column. sub CreateColumnBar { my ($this) = @_; my $hlist = $this->cget( -widget ); my $height = $$hlist->height() - $this->height(); my $x = $$hlist->pointerx() - $$hlist->rootx(); # my $x = $this->rootx + $this->width - $$hlist->rootx; $this->{columnBar} = $$hlist->Frame( -background => 'white', -relief => 'raised', -borderwidth => 2, -width => 2, ); #FIXFIX: Some fudge factors were used here to place the column # bar at the correct place. It appears that hlist->rootx is # relative to the scrollbar, while when placing the columnbar # the x location is relative to hlist widget. This definitely # doesn't work when using a non-scrolled hlist. $this->{columnBar}->place( '-x' => $x, '-height' => $height - 5, '-relx' => 0.0, '-rely' => 0.0, '-y' => $this->height() + 5, ); } 1;