Thanks for quick reply. I think it's worth mentioning that in the main POD file for the module, isn't it?
However, I've met another issue: in the "general messages" I see the error:
LanguageClient perl-lns: Unexpectedly finished. Restarting in 5 seconds.
When I launch qt-creator in console with logging, I get the following error:
QT_LOGGING_RULES=qtc.languageclient.*=true qtcreator
qtc.languageclient.client: initializing language server "perl-lns"
qtc.languageclient.messages: StdIOClient send data:
qtc.languageclient.messages: Content-Length: 678
qtc.languageclient.messages: StdIOClient std err:
qtc.languageclient.messages: start aio read
end aio read cnt=701
len=678 len buffer=678
header={ "Content-Length" => 678 }
handle_req id={e7343469-d00b-4bf1-890d-7a9928096c62}
Attribute (id) does not pass the type constraint because: Validation failed for 'Maybe[Int]' with value {e7343469-d00b-4bf1-890d-7a9928096c62} at /home/b/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.28.0/li$
/site_perl/5.28.0/x86_64-linux/Moose/ line 24
Moose::Object::new('Perl::LanguageServer::Req', 'HASH(0x3955198)') called at /home/b/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.28.0/lib/site_perl/5.28.0/Perl/ line 188
Perl::LanguageServer::__ANON__ at /home/b/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.28.0/lib/site_perl/5.28.0/x86_64-linux/ line 716
Coro::_coro_run at -e line 0
Do you have an idea: is it module issue or qt-creator plugin, and I should report bug upstream?