Subject: | unable to resolv `' |
t/13-gethostsubs.t started to fail today:
# Test 1 got: "0" (t/13-gethostsubs.t at line 24)
# Expected: "1"
# t/13-gethostsubs.t line 24 is: 1,
Net::Frame::Layer::__ANON__: unable to resolv `' hostname: getaddrinfo: hostname nor servname provided, or not known
at t/13-gethostsubs.t line 61.
Net::Frame::Layer::getHostIpv6Addr: unable to resolv `' hostname
at t/13-gethostsubs.t line 61.
# Test 4 got: "0" (t/13-gethostsubs.t at line 69)
# Expected: "1"
# t/13-gethostsubs.t line 69 is: 1,
t/13-gethostsubs.t ...
Failed 2/6 subtests