Subject: | is_foreign_key_constraint do not correspond to documentation |
If you are using SQL::Translator to create SQL for you and you find that it is creating constraints where it shouldn't, or not creating them where it should, set this attribute to a true or false value to override the detection of when to create constraints.
But when is_foreign_key_constraint => 0 is used to prevent SQL constraint generation by SQL::Translator it also prevents to insert new records like:
my $bank_statement = $rs->create({
docn => $self->app->gen_docn,
suma => 0,
Details => $payments,
Where Details is:
require HyperMouse::Schema::Result::BankStatement;
my $B = 'HyperMouse::Schema::Result::BankStatement';
$B->has_many ( Details => $X, 'bank_statement_id' );
The error is:
DBIx::Class::Row::__new_related_find_or_new_helper(): Unable to determine relationship 'Details' direction from 'BankStatement', possibly due to a missing reverse-relationship on 'Details' to 'BankStatement'. at
Because my relationship is Bi-Temporal and FKs are implemented manually by triggers. I want to prevent SQL constraint generation. But I do not want to say that there is no relationship between BankStatement and BankStatementDetails by is_foreign_key_constraint => 0
I do not expect this.
The relationship must not be broken is is_foreign_key_constraint => 0 defined and is zero.