On Mon, Apr 15, 2019 at 10:48:43AM -0400, Alexander Hartmaier via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> This isn't enough as the module is used by
> DBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::APR::UUID.
I don't understand why.
The lib/DBIx/Class/UUIDColumns/UUIDMaker/ directory contains several
modules the wrap their corresponding CPAN modules. Each of these
UUIDMaker modules is a wrapper around something that may or may not be
I have an environment with ::UUIDColumns installed:
% perl -MDBIx::Class::UUIDColumns -wE 1
And it has Data::UUID installed:
% perl -MDBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::Data::UUID -wE 1
But as it's not a Windows enviornment, it lacks Win32::Guidgen:
% perl -MDBIx::Class::UUIDColumns::UUIDMaker::Win32::Guidgen -wE 1
Can't locate Win32/Guidgen.pm in @INC (you may need to install the
Win32::Guidgen module)
Different environments will lack different modules. The lack of them on
any given environment is no reason to remove the corresponding
UUIDMaker, as they will be installed on other environments.
Show quoted text> A deprecation of the module, removal of the test etc. is necessary.
I disagree. If someone happens to have mod_perl installed on their
environment, they should have the option of using ::UIDMaker::APR::UUID.