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This queue is for tickets about the Guitar-Scale CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 128536
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Guitar-Scale

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: gene [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Note-name enhancement for Guitar::Scale
Hello! I found the need to see the actual notes in a scale on the guitar fretboard. Your module is great by showing symbolic and binary representations! So I added a section to the pv() function, just under # print scale, to figure out the note names and lay them out linearly, as with your other representation. Here is the code... I hope you will accept it an integrate it into your module. :-) ... $str .= substr($col, 5, 25). "\n"; $str .= substr($col, 0, 25). "\n"; # List note names if requested my %note_values = ( 1 => [qw/E F Fs|Gb G Gs|Ab A As|Bb B C Cs|Db D Ds|Eb/], 2 => [qw/B C Cs|Db D Ds|Eb E F Fs|Gb G Gs|Ab A As|Bb/], 3 => [qw/G Gs|Ab A As|Bb B C Cs|Db D Ds|Eb E F Fs|Gb/], 4 => [qw/D Ds|Eb E F Fs|Gb G Gs|Ab A As|Bb B C Cs|Db/], 5 => [qw/A As|Bb B C Cs|Db D Ds|Eb E F Fs|Gb G Gs|Ab/], 6 => [qw/E F Fs|Gb G Gs|Ab A As|Bb B C Cs|Db D Ds|Eb/], ); my %notes; my $i = 0; while ($str =~ /^(\d+)$/mg) { my $j = 0; for my $bit ( split //, $1 ) { my $value = $note_values{$i + 1}[$j % 12]; my @enharmonics = split /\|/, $value; if ( @enharmonics > 1 ) { $value = $_key =~ /#/ ? $enharmonics[0] : $enharmonics[1]; $value =~ s/s/#/; } push @{ $notes{$i + 1} }, $bit ? $value : '-'; $j++; } $i++; } my $notes; for my $n ( sort keys %notes ) { $notes .= join( ' ', map { sprintf '%-2s', $_ } @{ $notes{$n} } ) . "\n"; } $mode || do { $str =~ s/0/--+/g; ...
Whoops! I forgot to paste in this crucial bit at the end of the sub: return $mode == 1 ? $str : $notes;
Whoops again! I had the return condition backwards. It should be: return $mode == 2 ? $notes : $str;