The Test-Smoke website's "matrix" page is not up-to-date.
Consider first the attached screenshot, test-smoke-matrix.png, taken at approx 19:11 EST Thu Dec 27 2018. Note the column headers, which run right-to-left with the oldest being 5.29.1 and the newest being 5.29.6. Note the absence of a column for 5.29.3.
Now consider the second attached screenshot, test-smoke-submatrix-dist-IO-t-io_dir.t.png. I got to this page by following the link on the top-level matrix page. Note that the Git-ids in the second column indicate the test failures were reported after the release of 5.29.5. The "Version" column therefore points to the *upcoming" dev release following the listed smoke reports.
We have released perl-5.29.6, so the *upcoming* release would be 5.29.7. This implies that the top-level matrix (as shown in the first attachment) is *further* deficient because it does not have a column for 5.29.7. Hence, the matrix is not yet reporting any test failures that have been reported since the release of 5.29.6 on Dec 18.
Can you investigate?
Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan