Subject: | Stringification crashes on a closed IO::Scalar handle |
I would like to be able to stringify any IO::Scalar handle (regardless if it was previously closed or not). However when an IO::Scalar handle is closed, stringification will *always* crash a program.
Here is a minimal code that demonstrates the bug and the results of its execution:
$ cat ./
use IO::Scalar;
$var = new IO::Scalar;
print "$var";
$ ./
Can't use an undefined value as a SCALAR reference at /usr/local/share/perl5/IO/ line 157.
$ echo $?
I confirmed it to crash in the latest version of IO::Scalar (2.111) package.
It could be fixed easily for example by replacing an overloaded '""' method with the following code (line 157 of "IO/" file):
use overload '""' => sub { $_[0]->opened ? ${$_[0]->sref} : 'undef' };
I would very much appreciate if this problem could be addressed in the next version of this excellent package.
Many thanks!
Best regards,
Pawel Krol.