Subject: | Random test failures |
Currently I see a mix of fails and passes on my smokers. It fails more frequently on freebsd systems, but there are also a number of failures on Linux systems (debian, ubuntu, centos6).
Failures look like this:
Running resume mechanism tests. Please be patient - this will take some time
Stop job failed: Failed to stop job 1 after 6 attempts: unknown error at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2018112900/TaskPipe-0.09-LyCCcr/blib/lib/TaskPipe/ line 308.
TaskPipe::JobManager::stop_job(TaskPipe::JobManager=HASH(0x4e099a20), 1) called at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2018112900/TaskPipe-0.09-LyCCcr/blib/lib/TaskPipe/Tool/ line 30
TaskPipe::Tool::Command_StopJob::execute(TaskPipe::Tool::Command_StopJob=HASH(0x4e36a450)) called at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2018112900/TaskPipe-0.09-LyCCcr/blib/lib/TaskPipe/ line 293
TaskPipe::Tool::exec_run_cmd(TaskPipe::Tool=HASH(0x4e3025e8)) called at t/lib/TaskPipe/TestUtils/ line 69
TaskPipe::TestUtils::Basic::taskpipe(TaskPipe::TestUtils::Basic=HASH(0x483664b0), ARRAY(0x4e3060d8)) called at t/lib/TaskPipe/TestUtils/ line 32
TaskPipe::TestUtils::Basic::try {...} () called at /usr/perl5.22.2t/lib/site_perl/5.22.2/Try/ line 103
eval {...} called at /usr/perl5.22.2t/lib/site_perl/5.22.2/Try/ line 94
Try::Tiny::try(CODE(0x4e2fcd20), Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x4e3097b0)) called at t/lib/TaskPipe/TestUtils/ line 37
TaskPipe::TestUtils::Basic::stop_job(TaskPipe::TestUtils::Basic=HASH(0x483664b0), 88074) called at t/lib/TaskPipe/TestUtils/ line 215
TaskPipe::TestUtils::Resume::run_tests(TaskPipe::TestUtils::Resume=HASH(0x48366468)) called at t/03_single_thread_resume.t line 55
# Looks like your test exited with 2 before it could output anything.
t/03_single_thread_resume.t ..
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 126/126 subtests
Or sometimes:
# Failed test 'mode: id count: 1 preops: 4 specs: {"city":2,"company":2,"employee":0,"threads":1} Number of records on company table'
# at t/lib/TaskPipe/TestUtils/ line 95.
# got: '2'
# expected: '4'
# Failed test 'mode: id count: 1 preops: 4 specs: {"city":2,"company":2,"employee":0,"threads":1} Number of ops >= minimum'
# at t/lib/TaskPipe/TestUtils/ line 137.
# '4'
# >=
# '6'
Or sometimes just:
Running resume mechanism tests. Please be patient - this will take some time
t/03_single_thread_resume.t ..
Failed 126/126 subtests