Subject: | Argument "2,9" isn't numeric in multiplication (*) at lib/Sys/Info/Driver/OSX/Device/ line 61. |
I get the above warning when querying for CPU speed:
fany@tina:~/.cpan/build/Sys-Info-Driver-OSX-0.7958-1> perl -Ilib -MSys::Info -E 'say Sys::Info->new->device('CPU')->count'
Argument "2,9" isn't numeric in multiplication (*) at lib/Sys/Info/Driver/OSX/Device/ line 61.
This is due to the fact that "/usr/sbin/system_profiler -xml SPHardwareDataType" returns "2,9 GHz" for current_processor_speed in my system:
fany@tina:~/.cpan/build/Sys-Info-Driver-OSX-0.7958-1> /usr/sbin/system_profiler -xml SPHardwareDataType|fgrep -A 1 current_processor_speed
<string>2,9 GHz</string>
fany@tina:~/.cpan/build/Sys-Info-Driver-OSX-0.7958-1> perl -MSys::Info::Driver::OSX=system_profiler -MData::Dump=ddx -E 'ddx system_profiler SPHardwareDataType'
# -e:1: {
# _name => "hardware_overview",
# boot_rom_version => "MBP121.0177.B00",
# cpu_type => "Intel Core i5",
# current_processor_speed => "2,9 GHz",
# l2_cache_core => "256 KB",
# l3_cache => "3 MB",
# machine_model => "MacBookPro12,1",
# machine_name => "MacBook Pro",
# number_processors => 2,
# packages => 1,
# physical_memory => "16 GB",
# platform_UUID => "524D2409-00BD-57A2-BEBB-9FEFB25C39C8",
# serial_number => "C02RQ200FVH8",
# SMC_version_system => "2.28f7",
# }
Maybe this is because here in Germany we use comma as decimal point.
However, its behaviour does not seem to change even when I set LC_ALL=C.
So maybe you should y/,/./ or something like that.