Today, as part of an attempt to assess the perl-5.28.0-readiness of CPAN distributions, I attempted to install this library against perl-5.27.11 on FreeBSD-11.1. I got the following test failures while using 'cpanm' as the installer.
# Testing Net::LDAP::Server::Test 0.22, Perl 5.027011, /usr/home/jkeenan/var/tad/testing/perl-5.27.11/bin/perl5.27.11
t/00-load.t ........... ok
# Failed test 'new LDAP connection'
# at t/01-ldap.t line 28.
# stop() server
waitpid(95253, 0) took too long
kill(9,95253) returned 1
Unable to connect to LDAP server ldap://localhost:10636: Connection refused at t/01-ldap.t line 36.
# Looks like your test exited with 61 just after 2.
t/01-ldap.t ...........
Dubious, test returned 61 (wstat 15616, 0x3d00)
Failed 11/12 subtests
# Failed test 'new LDAP connection'
# at t/02-ad.t line 33.
# stop() server
waitpid(95255, 0) took too long
kill(9,95255) returned 1
Unable to connect to LDAP server ldap://localhost:10636: Connection refused at t/02-ad.t line 39.
# Looks like your test exited with 61 just after 2.
t/02-ad.t .............
Dubious, test returned 61 (wstat 15616, 0x3d00)
Failed 5/6 subtests
# stop() server
waitpid(95257, 0) took too long
kill(9,95257) returned 1
t/03-socket.t ......... ok
# Failed test 'new LDAP connection'
# at t/04attributes.t line 22.
# stop() server
waitpid(95259, 0) took too long
kill(9,95259) returned 1
Unable to connect to LDAP server ldap://localhost:10636: Connection refused at t/04attributes.t line 28.
# Looks like your test exited with 61 just after 2.
t/04attributes.t ......
Dubious, test returned 61 (wstat 15616, 0x3d00)
Failed 10/11 subtests
# Failed test 'new LDAP connection'
# at t/05-scope.t line 16.
# stop() server
waitpid(95261, 0) took too long
kill(9,95261) returned 1
Unable to connect to LDAP server ldap://localhost:1187: Connection refused at t/05-scope.t line 22.
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
# Looks like your test exited with 61 just after 2.
t/05-scope.t ..........
Dubious, test returned 61 (wstat 15616, 0x3d00)
Failed 1/2 subtests
# Failed test 'new LDAP connection'
# at t/06-no-such-entry.t line 45.
# stop() server
waitpid(95267, 0) took too long
kill(9,95267) returned 1
Unable to connect to LDAP server ldap://localhost:12389: Connection refused at t/06-no-such-entry.t line 51.
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
# Looks like your test exited with 61 just after 2.
t/06-no-such-entry.t ..
Dubious, test returned 61 (wstat 15616, 0x3d00)
Failed 1/2 subtests
# LDAP_CONTROL_PAGED==1.2.840.113556.1.4.319
# Failed test 'new LDAP connection'
# at t/07-error-codes.t line 66.
# stop() server
waitpid(95269, 0) took too long
kill(9,95269) returned 1
Unable to connect to LDAP server ldap://localhost:12389: Connection refused at t/07-error-codes.t line 72.
# Looks like your test exited with 61 just after 2.
t/07-error-codes.t ....
Dubious, test returned 61 (wstat 15616, 0x3d00)
Failed 13/14 subtests
t/boilerplate.t ....... ok
t/pod-coverage.t ...... ok
t/pod.t ............... ok
Test Summary Report
t/01-ldap.t (Wstat: 15616 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 2
Non-zero exit status: 61
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 12 tests but ran 2.
t/02-ad.t (Wstat: 15616 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 2
Non-zero exit status: 61
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 6 tests but ran 2.
t/04attributes.t (Wstat: 15616 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 2
Non-zero exit status: 61
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 11 tests but ran 2.
t/05-scope.t (Wstat: 15616 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 2
Non-zero exit status: 61
Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
t/06-no-such-entry.t (Wstat: 15616 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 2
Non-zero exit status: 61
Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
t/07-error-codes.t (Wstat: 15616 Tests: 2 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 2
Non-zero exit status: 61
Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 14 tests but ran 2.
Files=11, Tests=20, 16 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr 0.03 sys + 1.27 cusr 0.44 csys = 1.77 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 6/11 test programs. 6/20 subtests failed.
*** Error code 255
make: stopped in /usr/home/jkeenan/var/tad/testing/perl-5.27.11/.cpanm/work/1526784815.95192/Net-LDAP-Server-Test-0.22
-> FAIL Installing Net::LDAP::Server::Test failed.
If these failures are due to the absence of an LDAP server in this environment (which is likely), is there some way the tests could be adjust to skip all tests which need an actual LDAP connection?
Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan