$VAR1 = {
'-version' => 3,
'-port' => 161,
'-authpassword' => 't3stPasWOQD',
'-domain' => 'udp4',
'-username' => 'test_authnopriv',
'-authprotocol' => 'SHA',
'-hostname' => <deleted>
Seems that once it gets to privPassword, it bails out.
Then again , by passing in authpassword and authprotocol, that should be a
good sign I want authNoPriv as a security level (since we cannot explicitly
define the security level).
I had also tried the following and it still fails because when it gets to
privPassword in %argv, it will also evaluate the _discovery and _authorirty
attributes thus causing the security level to move from authNoPriv to
authPriv thus a failure in my snmp get request.
$VAR1 = {
'-version' => 3,
'-port' => 161,
'-authpassword' => ' t3stPasWOQD ',
'-privprotocol' => 'AES',
'-domain' => 'udp4',
'-privpassword' => ' ',
'-username' => ' test_authnopriv ',
'-authoritative' => 1,
'-authprotocol' => 'SHA',
'-hostname' => <deleted>