Subject: | Pod-POM-View-Restructured-0.03 -> view_pod -> ".. highlight:: perl\n\n" |
Date: | Wed, 7 Mar 2018 13:48:41 +0100 |
To: | Alex Muntada <alexm [...]> |
From: | Дилян Палаузов <dilyan.palauzov [...]> |
Pod-POM-View-Restructured-0.03 has
sub view_pod {
my ($self, $node) = @_;
my $content = ".. highlight:: perl\n\n";
return $content . $node->content()->present($self);
which inserts ".. highlight:: perl\n\n" in the final document.
Is there anyway to disable inserting the highlight snippet by pod2rst? When Sphinx is used to generate a single-html page with the documentation the "..highlight: perl " line changes the code for all subsequent :: places to perl, instead of the default and, while this is incorrect, the perl pygments lexer is not capable to render any text without throwing exception. All in all for a single-html documentation the highlight::perl messes up the remaining documentation.
As Pod-POM-View-Restructured inserts anyway "..code-block:: perl" on the relevant places I see in fact no need for the highlight::perl part.
Somehow I cannot login at , hence per email.