Subject: | [PATCH] Startup is slow in big suites due to get_matching_methods |
I have a big test suite in old project with about 6,5k test. When I run a full suite there's a very noticeable 15-20 seconds delay before output even starts ticking. NYTProf shows all this time is spent in get_matching_methods, retrieving all test names for entire suite.
Right now it uses Devel::Symdump, that does a lot of extra unnecessary work for this task, like testing each glob for what type it is and wrapping/unwrapping data in module's internal storage. Replacing calls to it with simple loop over symtable and test if found entry is sub reduced this startup delay below 0.5s for me - i.e. over order of magnitude and makes T::U have one less depend.
Relevant change to get_matching_methods and accompanying change to a single line with regexp in list_tests in attach
Subject: | |
sub list_tests {
my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
my @tests = ();
no strict 'refs';
if (@{"$class\::TESTS"}) {
push @tests, @{"$class\::TESTS"};
else {
push @tests, $class->get_matching_methods(qr/^test/);
push @tests, map {$_->can('list_tests') ? $_->list_tests : () } @{"$class\::ISA"};
my %tests = map {$_ => ''} @tests;
return keys %tests;
sub get_matching_methods {
my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
my $re = $_[1];
no strict 'refs';
my $symtable = *{$class . '::'};
return grep {
defined &{$class . '::' . $_} and /$re/
} keys %$symtable;