Subject: | Tests fail, output for info command did not match |
I tried to install App::perlbrew 0.82 on a fresh FreeBSD with bash and failed, because the "Compiled at:" line is empty:
# Failed test 'info command should display a message that the module can't be found if the module isn't installed'
# at t/command-info.t line 165.
# Current perl:
# Name: perl-5.8.9
# Path: /usr/local/bin/perl
# Config: config_args_value
# Compiled at:
# perlbrew:
# version: 0.82
# ENV:
# PERLBREW_ROOT: perlbrew_root_value
# PERLBREW_HOME: perlbrew_home_value
# PERLBREW_PATH: perlbrew_path_value
# PERLBREW_MANPATH: perlbrew_manpath_value
# Module: SOME_FAKE_MODULE could not be found, is it installed?
# doesn't match:
# (?^:Current perl:
# Name: perl-5.8.9
# Path: \/usr\/local\/bin\/perl
# Config: config_args_value
# Compiled at: ...\s+\d{1,2}\s+\d{4}\s+\d{1,2}:\d{2}:\d{2}
# perlbrew:
# version: 0\.82
# ENV:
# PERLBREW_ROOT: perlbrew_root_value
# PERLBREW_HOME: perlbrew_home_value
# PERLBREW_PATH: perlbrew_path_value
# PERLBREW_MANPATH: perlbrew_manpath_value
# Module: SOME_FAKE_MODULE could not be found, is it installed?.*
# )
# as expected
# Looks like you failed 3 tests of 4.