From the DBI manual:
You can tell if the statement was a "SELECT" statement by checking if "$sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}" is
greater than zero after calling "execute".
In DBD::CSV, and thus SQL::Statement, NOF is correctly set on select statements, and is correctly set to 0 - though that could arguably be undef - on delete statements, but may be erroneously set to one on update statements.
$ ./
Using DBI-1.639 + DBD::CSV-0.50 + SQL::Statement-1.412 + Text::CSV_XS-1.35
Rows NOF
Select1 1 2
Select2 0E0 2
Update1 1 1
Update2 0E0 1
Delete1 1 0
Delete2 0E0 0
$ ./ -p
Using DBI-1.639 + DBD::Pg-3.7.0
Rows NOF
Select1 1 2
Select2 0E0 2
Update1 1
Update2 0E0
Delete1 1
Delete2 0E0
I'll see if I can find time to find the cause