Subject: | Test fails on Perl without "." in @INC |
With perl 5.26.1 on a freebsd system I see the following test failure:
Can't locate t/ in @INC (you may need to install the t::Util module) (@INC contains: /usr/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2017111706/App-optex-v0.0.1-6/blib/arch /usr/home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2017111706/App-optex-v0.0.1-6/blib/lib /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2017111706/Getopt-EX-v1.2.1-5/blib/arch /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2017111706/Getopt-EX-v1.2.1-5/blib/lib /usr/perl5.26.1p/lib/site_perl/5.26.1/amd64-freebsd /usr/perl5.26.1p/lib/site_perl/5.26.1 /usr/perl5.26.1p/lib/5.26.1/amd64-freebsd /usr/perl5.26.1p/lib/5.26.1) at t/01_run.t line 6.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/01_run.t line 6.
t/01_run.t ......
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
No subtests run
Probably this is failing because newer perls don't have anymore "." in @INC. If this is the case, you have to add something like 'use lib "."' to the test script.