Subject: | Tests fail (with newer |
Some of my smokers show the following test failures:
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/usr/perl5.27.5p/bin/perl5.27.5" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/*/*.t
Base class package "t::Mock::Resource" is not empty but "t/Mock/" exists in the current directory.
To help avoid security issues, now refuses to load optional modules
from the current working directory when it is the last entry in @INC.
If your software worked on previous versions of Perl, the best solution
is to use FindBin to detect the path properly and to add that path to
@INC. As a last resort, you can re-enable looking in the current working
directory by adding "use lib '.'" to your code.
at /usr/perl5.27.5p/lib/5.27.5/ line 142.
base::import("base", "t::Mock::Resource") called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
t::Mock::Resource::Languages::BEGIN() called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
eval {...} called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
require t/Mock/Resource/ called at t/Mock/ line 24
t::Mock::Client::BEGIN() called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
eval {...} called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
require t/Mock/ called at t/01-filters.t line 21
main::BEGIN() called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
eval {...} called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17.
require t/Mock/Resource/ called at t/Mock/ line 24
t::Mock::Client::BEGIN() called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
eval {...} called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
require t/Mock/ called at t/01-filters.t line 21
main::BEGIN() called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
eval {...} called at t/Mock/Resource/ line 17
Compilation failed in require at t/Mock/ line 24.
t::Mock::Client::BEGIN() called at t/Mock/ line 24
eval {...} called at t/Mock/ line 24
require t/Mock/ called at t/01-filters.t line 21
main::BEGIN() called at t/Mock/ line 24
eval {...} called at t/Mock/ line 24
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/Mock/ line 24.
require t/Mock/ called at t/01-filters.t line 21
main::BEGIN() called at t/Mock/ line 24
eval {...} called at t/Mock/ line 24
Compilation failed in require at t/01-filters.t line 21.
main::BEGIN() called at t/01-filters.t line 21
eval {...} called at t/01-filters.t line 21
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/01-filters.t line 21.
(in cleanup) (in cleanup) at /usr/perl5.27.5p/lib/5.27.5/ line 197 during global destruction.
t/01-filters.t .....................................
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
No subtests run
... (etc) ...
I think the message from is clear enough.