Subject: | backspace(?) not recognized when running from emacs shell buffer |
today I was looking at a bug that has been lying in the Debian BTS for a decade and a half:
Unfortunately I was still able to reproduce it, so I guess it's about time to forward it to you...
In short:
Show quoted text
> perl -e 'use Term::ReadLine; my $term = new Term::ReadLine("foo"); $ret = $term->readline("foo? ", 1); open (LOG, ">log");print LOG "GOT>>$ret<<\n"'
> It seems that this perl command, on a system with Term::ReadLine::GNU
> installed, in an emacs shell buffer, logs "12", if I backspace over the
> 1 it displays as the default value, and type a "2".
The above command works fine when I run it in an xterm (log contains "GOT>>2<<"), but when using a current emacs25 to start an interactive shell (M-x shell, where M can be typed as Esc), $TERM is 'dumb' and log contains "GOT>>12<<"
Please tell me if this is not enough to reproduce the bug and you need more details on the environment.