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This queue is for tickets about the RiveScript CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 121958
Status: open
Priority: 0/
Queue: RiveScript

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: Rafael.Visser [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: RE: perl object
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2017 21:44:17 +0000
To: "bug-RiveScript [...]" <bug-RiveScript [...]>
From: Rafael Visser <Rafael.Visser [...]>
Sorry My os is: Linux 3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Nov 22 16:42:41 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux rv De: Rafael Visser Enviado el: jueves, 01 de junio de 2017 17:43 Para: '' Asunto: perl object Hi there!!! I am trying to get currentUser from a perl object. ########################### + username - Your current username is: <call>coolfunc</call> Show quoted text
> object coolfunc perl
my $usuario=currentUser(); return $usuario; < object ############################### But the following error appears… Show quoted text
Yo> username
Can't call method "issue" on unblessed reference at /usr/local/share/perl5/ line 2420, <STDIN> line 1. Version of perl: This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 3 (v5.16.3) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi Rivescript :RiveScript-v2.0.3 Is this a bug? Regards!!! rv Show quoted text
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Hi Object macros are Perl subroutines and they accept two parameters, ($rs, $args), where $rs is a reference to the parent RiveScript instance. The currentUser() function should be called on this object, not called anonymously as you have. Show quoted text
> object test perl
my ($rs, $args) = @_; my $user = $rs->currentUser(); return "Your username is $user"; < object
Subject: RE: [ #121958] RE: perl object
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2017 13:07:47 +0000
To: "bug-RiveScript [...]" <bug-RiveScript [...]>
From: Rafael Visser <Rafael.Visser [...]>
Thanks Kirsle Sorry for my misunderstanding. Regards!!!. rv Show quoted text
-----Mensaje original----- De: Casey Kirsle via RT [] Enviado el: jueves, 01 de junio de 2017 18:30 Para: Rafael Visser Asunto: [ #121958] RE: perl object <URL: > Hi Object macros are Perl subroutines and they accept two parameters, ($rs, $args), where $rs is a reference to the parent RiveScript instance. The currentUser() function should be called on this object, not called anonymously as you have.
> object test perl
my ($rs, $args) = @_; my $user = $rs->currentUser(); return "Your username is $user"; < object AVISO LEGAL: Esta información es privada y confidencial y está dirigida únicamente a su destinatario. Si usted no es el destinatario original de este mensaje y por este medio pudo acceder a dicha información por favor elimine el mensaje. La distribución o copia de este mensaje está estrictamente prohibida. Esta comunicación es sólo para propósitos de información y no debe ser considerada como propuesta, aceptación ni como una declaración de voluntad oficial de NUCLEO S.A. La transmisión de e-mails no garantiza que el correo electrónico sea seguro o libre de error. Por consiguiente, no manifestamos que esta información sea completa o precisa. Toda información está sujeta a alterarse sin previo aviso. This information is private and confidential and intended for the recipient only. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. This communication is for information purposes only and shall not be regarded neither as a proposal, acceptance nor as a statement of will or official statement from NUCLEO S.A. . Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free. Therefore, we do not represent that this information is complete or accurate and it should not be relied upon as such. All information is subject to change without notice.