Subject: | alien.t hangs on Windows |
# Seeded srand with seed '20170513' from local date.
ok 1 - Alien::XPA responds to: cflags libs dynamic_libs bin_dir
ok 2 - run xpaaccess --version
# using C:\strawberry160\cpan\build\Alien-XPA-0.01-dpH4nN\blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Alien-XPA\bin\xpaaccess.EXE
ok 3 - command exited with value 0
ok 4 - run xpaaccess XPAMB:*
# using C:\strawberry160\cpan\build\Alien-XPA-0.01-dpH4nN\blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Alien-XPA\bin\xpaaccess.EXE
Bail out! unable to access launched xpamb
XPA$ERROR no 'xpaset' access points match template: xpamb
# Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
# Looks like your test exited with 256 after test #4.
XPA$WARNING: xpans needs to be running on this machine.
Please start xpans using the command:
/\strawberry160\cpan\build\Alien-XPA-0.01-dpH4nN\blib\lib\auto\share\dist\Alien-XPA\bin/xpans.exe -e -p 14285 -l C:\DOCUME~1\a\LOCALS~1\Temp/xpans_14285.log
Once xpans is running, register all xpas in this process using:
xpaset -p a00020f:1067 -nsconnect
For now, contact xpamb using: xpaset a00020f:1067 .. or xpaget a00020f:1067 ..
After I run the test, xpamb is present in task list, probably that's why program can't exit.
Alexandr Ciornii,