I am now facing the same problem with ASE 16.0 SP03 PL05 HF1.
I changed the connection string to include serverType. It works.
my $db_connect= DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:scriptName=$progname;database=$database;serverType=Anything";
This problem does not occur with ASE 16.0 SP03 PL05. It occurs with "HF1" version.
Thanks & regards,
On Wed, 30 Aug 2017, Shiva Venkateswaran via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=121595 >
> Hi Nohez,
> This is caused due to an issue with the underlying implementation code written for DBD::Sybase in C. It occurs when DBD::Sybase tries to retrieve the serverVersion of the ASE it is trying to connect to. This is done by default for all servers of serverType ASE which is set in DBD::Sybase by default.
> I have sent Michael et al. additional details regarding the same and have tried to explain the severity of this issue as this error not only severs the database connection but also causes end-user Perl applications to crash. This hopefully gets some attention and we get a bug fix quickly.
> In the meantime, if you can afford to change the application source code you can update the DBI connect string to include the serverType parameter and set it to anything but ASE. This will tell DBD::Sybase to disable the behavior of retrieving serverVersion by default..
> < my $db_connect = "dbi:Sybase:server=$server;encryptPassword=yes;interfaces=$interfaces";
> ---
>> my $db_connect = "dbi:Sybase:server=$server;serverType=NOTASE;encryptPassword=yes;interfaces=$interfaces";
> I will resolve this ticket when i get the required authorizations to release a new version with the bug fix.
> Thanks,
> Shiva Venkateswaran