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This queue is for tickets about the File-Grep CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 12143
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: File-Grep

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: pradeep.kamat [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Critical
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: finding difficulty in fgrep function
Hello Sir, I am facing some unusual problem with fgrep function. I have created program file using some : xyz username.. when i executed it with same account (xyz) it gives me correct result. But when i tried to execute it from anybody else account it gives me error :- #######"Cannot use file '/hm/kiranc/temp.txt' for fgrep: Permission denied at line 258"############ Kindly help me out in this matter. my program takes logical expression as an input which contains pattern to be searched and returns the filoe name containing that logical expression
#!/usr/bin/perl ######################################################################################################################################## # Created By Pradeep Kamat on 01-04-2005 (dd-mm-yyyy) # # File can be used to search specific pattern in multiple files. # ######################################################################################################################################## use File::Grep qw(fgrep); #our $SILENT = 0; #&searchPatter(); #&getMatch("use"); my @pr_arr=&inputfields("/usr/local/ipman/data/scaninput.dat"); print "\n After Function is called.......... \n\n"; #print "\n@pr_arr :- @pr_arr\n"; foreach (@pr_arr) { #print "hieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee\n"; #print "\nBefore searchPatter :- @{$_->{File_List}}"; &searchPatter($_->{File_List},$_->{Logic_exp},$_->{Hash_search}); #print "\n @{$_->{File_List}}"; #print "\n $_->{Logic_exp}"; #print "\n %{$_->{Hash_search}}"; } sub searchPatter { my ($file_list,$log_exp,$hs_arr)= @_; #print "All files cotaining file :- @{$file_list} \n"; my @post_arr=&createPostfix($file_list,$log_exp,$hs_arr); my $res = &evalPostfix(@post_arr); open(FL1,">> /hm/aroras/res.log"); my @key = keys(%{$res}); print FL1 "All files cotaining pattern $log_exp \n"; foreach $val(@key) { print FL1 "$val \n"; } close(FL1); } ################################################################# # Created By Pradeep Kamat # Created On :- 31/03/2005 (dd/mm/yyyy) # Description :- function takes expression as an input and return # an array containing postfix form of expression # Input :- logical expression as string # Return :- postfix expression as array ################################################################# sub createPostfix { my @file_arr =@{@_[0]}; my $in =@_[1]; my $ele_hash = @_[2]; #print "\n Inside CREATEPOSTFIX Functin File list :- @file_arr \n\n logical expression :- $in \n\n elements are :- %ele_hash\n\n"; my $err_flag=0; my @post_arr; my @opr_stk; my @args = split / /,$in; my $match_res=0; #check is argument list starting with special character my $match_res = $args[0] =~ /^AND|^OR/; #print "\$match_res :- $match_res \n"; if ($match_res == 1) { print "Your pattern should not contain any of the meta-character at the starting position"; $err_flag=1; return; } $cnt = scalar(@args); $args[$cnt]= ")"; push (@opr_stk, "("); foreach $val (@args) { my $res = $val=~ /AND|OR|\)/; #print "\$res :- $res \n"; if($res != 1) { print "val is :- $val element is :- $ele_hash->{$val} \n"; %temp = &getMatch($ele_hash->{$val},\@file_arr); push(@post_arr,\%temp); } elsif ($val=~ /AND|OR|\(/) { print "\$val :- $val \n"; push(@opr_stk,$val); } elsif ( $val=~ /\)/ ) { while ( ($opt = pop(@opr_stk)) ne '(' ) { #print "\$opt :- $opt \n"; push(@post_arr,$opt); } } } #print "\n post fix form is :- @opr_stk"; print "\n post fix form is :- @post_arr"; return @post_arr; } ################################################################# # Created By Pradeep Kamat # Created On :- 31/03/2005 (dd/mm/yyyy) # Description :- function takes postfix expression as an input and # return reference to hash containing result # Input :- postfix expression as array # Return :- result of expression hash reference ################################################################# sub evalPostfix { my @par = @_; print "\n Inside EVALPOSTFIX Function parameters are :- @par\n"; my (@res_stack,%res,$hash_opr1,$hash_opr2); foreach (@par) { if (/AND|OR/) { print "Eval function::EvalPostfix in inside if value is :- $_ \n "; $hash_opr1 =pop(@res_stack); $hash_opr2 =pop(@res_stack); %res = (/AND/ eq '1') ? &and_fun($hash_opr2,$hash_opr1) : &or_fun($hash_opr2,$hash_opr1); push(@res_stack,\%res); } else { print "Eval function::EvalPostfix in inside else \n"; push(@res_stack,$_); } } return $res_stack[0]; } ################################################################# # Created By Pradeep Kamat # Created On :- 31/03/2005 (dd/mm/yyyy) # Description :- function takes two operand and perform logical # AND operation on them # Input :- two operand as hash reference # Return :- hash containing AND result ################################################################# sub and_fun { #print "\n Inside AND_FUN Functin"; my ($process,$final)= @_; my %ret_hash; my @key_val = keys(%{$process}); if (scalar(@key_val) == 0 || scalar(keys(%{$final})) == 0 ) { #print "\n Leaving AND_FUN Functin22222"; return %ret_hash; } foreach $_ (@key_val) { if (exists($final->{$_})) { #print "\n File Name :- $_ And_fun Result :- $final->{$_}"; $ret_hash{$_}=$process->{$_}; } } return %ret_hash; } ################################################################# # Created By Pradeep Kamat # Created On :- 31/03/2005 (dd/mm/yyyy) # Description :- function takes two operand and perform logical # OR operation on them # Input :- two operand as hash reference # Return :- hash containing OR result ################################################################# sub or_fun { #print "\n Inside OR_FUN Functin"; my ($process,$final)= @_; my @key_val = keys(%{$process}); foreach $_ (@key_val) { if (exists($final->{$_})) { $final->{$_}=$process->{$_}; } } #print "\n Leaving OR_FUN Functin"; return %{$final}; } ################################################################# # Created By Pradeep Kamat # Created On :- 31/03/2005 (dd/mm/yyyy) # Description :- function takes search string as an input # and search it in the list of files and returns # files containing search string and count of # matches # Input :- search string # Return :- hash containing match result ################################################################# sub getMatch { print "\n Inside GETMATCH Function\n"; my $in =@_[0]; my @file_arr =@{@_[1]}; my (@match); #stores output of the search my %arr_match; open(FL,"> /hm/aroras/match.log"); #print ("\$in :- $in \n "); chomp ($in); print "\$search_ele :-$in" . ": \n"; #@file_arr= glob "/usr/local/share/axyftp/help/*.*"; print "Getmatch::File arrary :- @file_arr\n"; @match = fgrep { /$in/ } @file_arr; foreach $local (@match) { print "File Name :- $local->{filename} count is :- $local->{count}\n\n"; if($local->{count} ne '0') { $arr_match{$local->{filename}}=$local->{count}; print "\n function1 called \n"; print FL "pattren :- $search_ele"; print FL "File Name :- ". $local->{filename}. "\n"; print FL "Count :- " . $local->{count}. "\n"; my @key_arr = keys(%{$local->{matches}}); foreach $key_arr (@key_arr) { print FL "Matches :- " . $local->{matches}->{$key_arr} . "\n"; print FL "\n"; } } } close(FL); #open(FL1,"> /hm/aroras/res.log"); return %arr_match; } ################################################################# # Created By Sangita Arora And Pradeep Kamat # Created On :- 04/04/2005 # Description :- Reads the file for dir path and file filter # Input :- files containing schema # Return :- void ################################################################# sub inputfields { my (@ret_arr); $filepath=$_[0]; open(FL,"<$filepath") or die "Cannot open $filePath: $!"; @sehema=<FL>; for(my $i=0;$i<=$#sehema;$i++) { @fields=split(/\|/,$sehema[$i]); #print ("test:::$sehema[0]"); my $logical_exp; my %arg_hash; for($x=4;$x<=$#fields;$x++) { if ($x == 4) { my @temp_arr = split(/ /,$fields[$x]); foreach(@temp_arr) { if (/AND|OR|\&\&|\|\|/) { $logical_exp.= /AND|\&\&/ ? " AND" : " OR"; } else { print "Inside Else\n"; $logical_exp.=$_; } } } if ($x != 5 && $x != 4) { if ( $x % 2 == 0) { my $str =$fields[$x+1]; $arg_hash{$fields[$x]} = $str; #print"inputfields::Hash is :- $arg_hash{$fields[$x]}" } } } my $dir=$fields[2]; my $filefilter=$fields[3]; my @filelist=filefinder($dir,$filefilter); #print "File list :- @filelist \n\n"; $ret_arr[$i] = ({ "File_List" => \@filelist, "Logic_exp" => $logical_exp, "Hash_search" => \%arg_hash, }); #print " \n Logical Expression is :- $logical_exp\n"; } close(FL); return @ret_arr; } ################################################################# # Created By Sangita Arora # Created On :- 04/04/2005 # Description :- Fetch files from the given directory depending upon filter # Input :- file path and file filter # Return :- fully qulified file name array ################################################################# sub filefinder { $dirinput=$_[0]; $filefilterinput=$_[1]; print "\nfind $dirinput -name $filefilterinput"; $str=`find $dirinput -name "$filefilterinput" `; @array=split(/\n/,$str); for (my $i=0;$i<=$#array;$i++) { chomp($array[$i]); print "$i:$array[i]::\n"; $mystr=$array[$i]; @temp=~split(/:/,$mystr); print("Match") if($temp[2]=~m/Permission/); } print("\n\n\nendarray"); return @array; }