Well-known color calculator:
Choose "D65" as Ref.White, enter 1,1,1 as XYZ, click "XYZ", read Lab values:
100.0000 8.5385 5.5939
(L is bounded by 0..100, value above 100 immediately cries "bug"; otherwise XYZ = (1,1,1) is just easy to type and doesn't make physical sense. Maybe more practical would be trying to convert any e.g. sRGB values to Lab -- they also come out wrong)
The bug in PDL/Transform/Color.pm is in lines 1539..1543, where illuminant xyY is converted to XYZ. It must be:
but is coded wrong. Change line 1543 to
$me->{params}->{wp_xyz} *= $wp_xyy->(2) / $wp_xyy->(1);
i.e. restore "lost" term. Thus it may be not mathematically elegant/efficient, but easy to see where bug is, and fix it. Guarding against y = 0, as Lindbloom advises, is not really needed here, because no illuminant has y = 0.
Then Lab we get:
[100 8.5841461 5.5183538]
That's "good enough", if e.g. someone deals with 8 bits-per-channel images, and least which _must_ be fixed, with further comments kept.
As to getting really correct results... To begin with:
The module computes xyY (prior to computing XYZ from xyY) from temperature e.g. 6500, but it must use adjusted value of 6504. To fix, line #2158 can be changed to (per link above):
my $T = $D*100 * 1.4388/1.438;
then Lab we get:
[100 8.5859237 5.5509345]
Closer, but not there yet. I'm not 100% sure why (not an expert, neither).
See xy for standard D-illuminants:
and see formula for "y", which module uses:
But "y" in table doesn't match "y" calculated from "x" using formula. Maybe only 3 digits after decimal point lead to such error, but I can't find more precise source. I guess all well-known tables, calculators, etc. use pre-computed XYZ (or xyY) for standard D-series, and no-one really uses formulae, to first compute x from (adjusted) T, then y from x, then XYZ from xyY, as module, in good faith, tries to do.
Plus, I was wrong about supplying "white point as argument", as I see such provision already exists, please disregard that part of my 2017 report, sorry.