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This queue is for tickets about the Authen-SASL-XS CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 120576
Status: new
Priority: 0/
Queue: Authen-SASL-XS

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: burak [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: 1.00
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Unset USER/USERNAME env vars produce bogus results with cyrus-sasl
Hi, If the USER (or USERNAME) env variable is unset, then the cyrus-sasl code returns a bogus response. Here is the relevant portion in its source: Please see the attached test file for the demonstration of the issue. Also see for more information on the subject. I guess this can either be checked and reported in Authen::SASL::XS or it can be documented in the Pod to give pointers to the users as this behavior is really confusing in addition to being (in my opinion) wrong (which took quite some time to figure out with multiple layers of modules for me). Thrift::SASL::Transport is already patched to report back the exact issue to prevent future confusions on my end. Which makes this ticket a heads up on the issue. Thanks, Burak
#!/usr/local/bin/booking-perl use 5.018; use strict; use warnings; use Authen::SASL qw(XS); my $host = ''; sub test_sasl { my $sasl = Authen::SASL->new( mechanism => 'PLAIN', callback => { canonuser => scalar( getpwuid $< ), pass => 'none', } ); my $conn = $sasl->client_new( hive => $host ); my $resp = $conn->client_start; my $status = $conn->code; my $success = $status == 0; printf "sasl=%s\n", ref $sasl; printf "conn=%s\n", ref $conn; printf "%s(%s): %s\n", $success ? 'Status' : 'Error', $status // 'n/a', $conn->error, ; print "\n\n"; } { print "Regular #1\n"; test_sasl(); } { local %ENV; delete $ENV{USER}; print "USER is unset\n"; test_sasl(); } { print "Regular #2\n"; test_sasl(); } { local %ENV; $ENV{USER} = ''; print "USER set to empty string\n"; test_sasl(); } { print "Regular #3\n"; test_sasl(); } { local %ENV; $ENV{USER} = 'blablabla'; print "USER set to a bogus value\n"; test_sasl(); } { print "Regular #4\n"; test_sasl(); }
Forgot to attach the output
Subject: output.txt
Regular #1 sasl=Authen::SASL conn=Authen::SASL::XS Status(0): successful result USER is unset sasl=Authen::SASL conn=Authen::SASL::XS Error(-1): generic failure Regular #2 sasl=Authen::SASL conn=Authen::SASL::XS Status(0): successful result USER set to empty string sasl=Authen::SASL conn=Authen::SASL::XS Status(0): successful result Regular #3 sasl=Authen::SASL conn=Authen::SASL::XS Status(0): successful result USER set to a bogus value sasl=Authen::SASL conn=Authen::SASL::XS Status(0): successful result Regular #4 sasl=Authen::SASL conn=Authen::SASL::XS Status(0): successful result