I want to report one bug in which one can pay their credit card payment through their same credit card without interest and also can withdraw money without any interest, which I think is not good for HDFC profitability. Please contact me for more detail.
Ravi Saini
Mon Mar 06 13:39:03 2017ether [...] cpan.org - Correspondence added
You have found the bug queue for the (long-retired) perl interface to this bank's APIs, and we have no affiliation with the bank. Please report your bug to them directly.
Mon Mar 06 13:39:03 2017The RT System itself - Status changed from 'new' to 'open'
Mon Mar 06 13:39:04 2017ether [...] cpan.org - Status changed from 'open' to 'rejected'
Mon Nov 09 15:56:12 2020ether [...] cpan.org - Correspondence added
rejected: bug report for Finance-Bank-HDFC
This is the bug queue for a defunct Perl module, and NOT the right place to report issues with the bank itself. Please consult the bank's website for how to report issues.