Subject: | DBIx::Class::InflateColumn option for passing scalers through |
See bug:
For driver of this bug.
In the above bug InflateColumn is never passing the scaler value through to Serializer for it to properly format its value which is expected behavior as documented in the InflateColumn code when writing to the database.
However this ends up with invalid JSON data in field that is suppose to be JSON so when reading the data the JSON parser rejects it. Now the Serializer JSON module could deal with this as a special case and probably skip the JSON parsing when this is detected but then anything else that might use the database directly expecting the field has real JSON content would still either blow up or also require special processing.
The better answer to me is to get proper JSON values in the database.
To accomplish this requires that the InflateColumn default mode of dealing with scalers needs to have some option or setting that can enable/disable it. So normally it does what it currently does but if a sub module sets "passscalers" to true say then InflateColumn would then pass those values as well for processing. This way any module that needs to also process scalar values for correct storage in the database can.