Dear Alexey,
Show quoted text> Sorry, but I am still not sure if you understand me clearly.
I see :) But I am sure. Look:
Here's what I suggested:
Show quoted text> > please read the documentation on the -InterPolateEnv flag. It imports
Here's what you tried:
Show quoted text> vagrant@Debian-jessie-amd64-netboot:~/my/outthentic$ perl
> -MConfig::General -e 'Config::General->new( -InterPolateVars => 1 ,
> -ConfigFile => "/tmp/config.conf" )->getall'
So, -InterPolateEnv is your friend :)
[19.Nov 09:48:34] --- [~] ---
tom@niobe: % cat cfg
user = $USER
[19.Nov 09:48:44] --- [~] ---
tom@niobe: % perl -MConfig::General -MData::Dumper \
-e 'print Dumper(Config::General->new(-InterPolateEnv=>1,-ConfigFile=>shift)->getall);' cfg
$VAR1 = 'user';
$VAR2 = 'tom';
best regards,